Example sentences of "you [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It wo n't be us at the next E I P , but are n't you inventing the same problem
2 If you make the same mistake , er , you have to buy another set , and I double the price for people who have heard me say do n't do this , er , and lie low , you know in the first three months , because I believe in penalising stupidity .
3 ‘ Whether you were me or Jackie Milburn you got the same money , and it was n't much .
4 So you got the same answer for two questions .
5 If you lose the same amount of money for a second year you 're down to a position where one small slip would take the business into insolvency .
6 What do you want , you want the same colour as your car ?
7 Do you think the same thing should be available for cats ?
8 Do you do anything special on a Sunday or do you eat the same kind of things as you eat a normal day ?
9 If you want the same philosophy , stay in Britain and do your shopping for both cars in the same place , in Blackpool .
10 No doubt you tried the same thing with him — implying that we 'd got along rather better than we ought to have ? ’
11 But when you explore the same region of the visual field with a moving spot you get a result that you could not have predicted from the responses with stationary spots .
12 just like working in a factory — you dust the same thing every day and it 's never appreciated .
13 And I 've got something to tell you which may make you feel the same way about me . "
14 Just pause to think , and you will realize that if you show the same ad to five different people there is a very fair chance that you will get five different judgements on its quality .
15 Do you do the same line of work , maybe ?
16 You use the same kind of glass , you put the same amount of ice in each glass and you leave them both in the same place ( so that they are both at the same temperature ) .
17 And apart from that , if you project the same issue onto cars , for instance , not many of us will ever own a Ferrari Testarossa or an Aston Martin , but are n't they wonderful !
18 Have you got the same copy ?
19 ‘ Were you offered the same deal , Charles ? ’
20 The only conditions the Taxman lays down is that you give the same amount regularly for at least four years and that you are a UK taxpayer .
21 Do you spray the same spray with it ?
22 If you wear the same thing twice in the same situation you may give the impression that you have one safe set of clothes and that you are only immaculately turned out when relying on that one safe outfit .
23 Er , you know the same thing they tried down at
24 Anyway since editing is the main problem , what we 're going to do this afternoon is , actually , I 'm going to show you another video and again it 's a very controversial one , again it 's used in , in teaching situations , again it has a biased point of view in the sense that it 's produced by National Power , er clearly as a P R job for introduction into schools erm and I want you to do the same exercise , but this time I want us to edit them among ourselves and what I 'm going to do is to get you to wri write your reviews and then we 'll divide into small groups , while you 're watching it I 'll co I 'll count how , however many people we 've got here , we 'll copy the reviews and in the same groups I want you to edit one another 's reviews and then er discuss them within the groups once you 've , once you 've marked them so we 'll get into the small , we 'll do the review we 'll write the review and then we will er , I distribute the , you can go and have a cup of coffee while we copy them , then we 'll distribute them , you can mark them , er individually on your own and then we 'll get into a group and you can criticize one another 's reviews , we 'll take them one at a time , we 'll probably be in groups of four , okay , but I 'll see , I 'll see how many , what the most suitable number is , okay so , if you , would you be kind enough to that
25 But I am so fond of the people in A Wreath of Roses and have so lately re-read it , that I am perhaps tiresomely asking you to do the same thing again .
26 You get the same kind of picture you can get with X-rays , with what 's reckoned to be no harm whatsoever .
27 Since you get the same quantity of national defence as everyone else , whether or not you pay for it , it would never be in your interest to purchase national defence in a free private market .
28 You get the same piece of pizza whether it 's two shared out between six , four shared out between twelve or one shared out between three or twenty four shared out between a lot of people .
29 A and this time this this just this time just raise it to the one third and see if you get the same answer , to check it is the cube root .
30 Do that , do that on sixty five divide by one hundred and eighty , multiply by the pi on your calculator , just one second Robin , yeah , it 's usually , it 's just theatrical , you should get , yeah , so you get the same answer , so you can either work it on ratings or you can write it like that , you could 've actually left it like that , if you come to the third by , you put thirteen over what is it ? eh
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