Example sentences of "you [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 To look at her now ye would take her for fifty-two .
2 If more boards are available at the time of booking , you may hire one for your exclusive use while living afloat .
3 You may thank me for the breakfast , ’ McAllister said , sitting down to attack her own meal with vigour , ‘ but the weather — now that , alas , is beyond me .
4 I said , ‘ That is why you must do it for me , Colonel . ’
5 You must do it for humanity 's sake . ’
6 You must prepare yourself for bad news , ’ she told him .
7 ‘ I 'm afraid you must prepare yourself for a shock .
8 You must prepare yourself for it in the erm in the time-honoured way , which is to erm acquire A-levels or erm an Open University qualification or a Higher National Certificate or something of that kind .
9 You have your own life before you ( rather as you said to me , Therese ) and you must make it for yourself .
10 So if the carriages are at the right , you must set them for an anti-clockwise circle , if they 're at the left , for a clockwise circle ( Figure 2 ) .
11 She begged pardon at once for — being so free as to presume I will be read but then , ma'am , you must blame yourself for encouraging in me that letter-writing soul .
12 But then he mentioned , when we wen to see him , he says we will deal with this but you must get somebody for civil
13 You must join us for dinner , of course , ’ he suggested quietly and turned to the waiter , but before a request for a more accommodating table was spoken Maria Luisa , to everyone 's shock , gave out a sudden sob of protest and turned and fled from the restaurant .
14 You must take me for a fool !
15 ‘ You 're ordering me around again , if that 's what you mean , ’ she replied , ‘ and if you think I 'm going to trot obediently upstairs and take off all my clothes you must take me for a fool . ’
16 On this pinnacle of enthusiasm , with promises to meet later for dinner , or tea , or supper , and do not forget our daughter and our boat of course you must use it for your fishing and good day , Colonel Hope , good day — the hills are called fells by the natives …
17 You must hate me for it . ’
18 Then there is the sea , the cold grey ever-moving winter sea — but you must see it for yourself ! ! !
19 If I forgive you for being male and cruel and unreasonable , you must forgive me for being female and for carrying another man 's child and wanting you at the same time .
20 You must forgive me for not being more helpful .
21 ‘ Martin , ’ she said , almost urbanely , ‘ you must forgive us for our daughter .
22 ‘ Then you must thank her for the invitation and suggest a postponement . ’
23 Whether you 've been asked to open the discussion or not , you should prepare yourself for the tutorial as follows :
24 If you intend to proceed with the appeal on your own , you should contact me for a copy of the relevant parts of the Sheriff Court process .
25 The questions you then have to tackle are what you can use it for and , even more important , what you should use it for .
26 The Black & Decker BD75E is listed at £123.38 , but you should find it for less .
27 ‘ Though your Majesty 's affections may be very well known as to religion , ’ he urged , ‘ yet it may be expected that you should say something for the world 's satisfaction . ’
28 If you are paying a little more for the food you should enjoy it for what it is — avoid recipes which suggest such things as stuffing breasts of chicken with Parma ham mousse , then wrapping them in smoked salmon and poaching in wine before serving with a cream sauce .
29 There are many different water filters and softeners on the market , but you should take nothing for granted , so consult the local water authority before using any of these devices .
30 Perhaps you should include one for each section every issue , so you can focus on what 's wrong with it .
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