Example sentences of "you [modal v] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And when ye have won the fight , and the Moors are discomfited , ye may spoil the field at pleasure .
2 I do n't think ye should expect the teacher to do everything .
3 ‘ For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears ; not that ye should be grieved , but that ye might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you ’ ( 2 Corinthians , 2:4 ) .
4 ‘ If ye read Prescott ye 'll get the impression Pizarro crossed the Andes and destroyed the great empire of the Incas with just forty horse and sixty foot .
5 Most times with me ye 'll find the wind is southerly . ’
6 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons , and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat . ’
7 The injunction was : Item ; That you and every parson , vicar or curate within this diocese shall for every churche kepe one boke or registere , wherein ye shall write the day and yere of every wedding , christenyng and burying made within yor parish for your tyme , and so every man succeeding you lykewise .
8 And this shall be a sign unto you , Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes , lying in a manger . ’
9 Then we have the angels saying to the shepherds : ’ Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes . ’
10 ‘ And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel , At even , then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt : And in the morning , then ye shall see the glory of the Lord ; for that he heareth your murmurings against the Lord : and what are we , that ye murmur against us ?
11 But Ah tell ye this , laddie , Ah 'm a helluva fast learner , so do n't think ye can pull the wool or sit around on yer fat little arse doin' bugger all .
12 You may control the spending of the Home 's amenity fund .
13 Because if you do n't , if do n't do a word by word translation , as some of you did , you , you may miss the meaning of certain words , and that might totally alter your perception of what 's being said , and then what you should , wh when you 've done a literal translation , you will have a very stiff erm , u unusual version of it , written in modern English vocabulary but you 'll find that word ordering and things like that wo n't be appropriate , and sometimes the vocabulary are n't the kind of words that would normally be used now .
14 You may miss the train unless you go at once .
15 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
16 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
17 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
18 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
19 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
20 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
21 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to ) .
22 Should all of the above steps fail to resolve the issue , you may refer the dispute to the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau of which General Accident is a founder member — but only if you have already had the matter referred to our Head Office .
23 When the international loan you are proposing is less than sound , you may secure the guarantee of a third party to shore it up .
24 You may love the kids , but you are not worthy of their love .
25 Lily said tartly , ‘ I am surprised Sir Robert is not worried you may influence the child
26 If you are late you may irritate the interviewer or lose your appointment altogether .
27 You may hold the wall to help your balance .
28 Those here written have been recorded in order that you may hold the faith [ or , that you may come to believe ] that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God . ’
29 Look hard and you may spot the results .
30 If , for any reason , you then decide that you do not want the cover , you may return the Certificate within 14 days for cancellation without any charge .
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