Example sentences of "you [modal v] [verb] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 After the working day they sit down to supper and the master sets the tasks for the morrow : Quoth Maister — Lads , work hard I pray , Cloth mun be peark 'd next market-day , And Tom mun go tomorn to t'spinners , And Will mun seek about for t'swingers ; And Jack tomorn , by time be rising , And go t'sizing mill for sizing , And get your web and warping done That ye may get it into loom .
2 You may divide it into sections , such as in the tables , record it just as it is spoken , or however else you wish , but do record it for later reference and to help you learn .
3 ‘ You may be just as tired as him but mentally you must get it into your brain that you are not going to stop until you drop and if your opponent knows that he might stop . ’
4 I know you are doing that , but you must put it into words .
5 You should make it into a film , and I can star , I can be the girl .
6 There 's no telling what kind of trouble you might get yourself into .
7 ‘ Now you 've got the boy , you 'll turn him into a thief and a liar .
8 " Then you 'll take me into the organization ? "
9 ‘ Then perhaps you 'll run me into Mondano ? ’
10 You 'll get us into trouble . ’
11 ‘ You thought that if you turned up in the smart suit and with the laser-beam smile you 'd wow them into panting agreement ? ’
12 ‘ I somehow do n't think you 'd manipulate me into discussing religion with a real-live rabbi .
13 Okay , the task was to ignore the right hand bracket and to sort cards based on the left hand bracket In fact you 'd sort them into two piles , not four .
14 When you found one you wanted you 'd take her into the centre for a dance , ’ he says .
15 We had the little coles that when you just When the hay was n't just Was just as dry as you 'd want it , they put it into hay coles Little coles just little things about four feet that And then you 'd put them into the tramp coles and that was where you tramped it .
16 But there was a lot of stuff in there if you could fit yourself into the what they 'd got .
17 J NEW If you saved the program to a file called BASPROG , you could load it into BBCBASIC(Z80) with the following command : *CLI. *BASPROG If you use PipeDream to write your program , you can arrange for the lines to be automatically numbered by BBCBASIC(Z80) as the file is " loaded " .
18 All were hollow , and with care , for there were protruding knots to buffet and bruise you , you could lower yourself into their embrace and experience the exquisite anxiety of claustrophobia and entrapment .
19 And you could break it into its fundamental component parts , yeah ?
20 You could drag him into the den .
21 And then you could say well we could try threes try that see if you could make em into into sets of three .
22 Or you could make it into a picture for a baby or toddler to hang on their bedroom wall .
23 You could drive me into Palma , ’ Ruth suggested in a small voice .
24 I hope you realize you could get me into trouble with the Great God Crumwallis .
25 It does n't matter what you think , it 's what people round here think and I can tell you now that you could get yourself into serious trouble . ’
26 Lucky for me that I got out before you could entice me into the ultimate folly of going to bed with you . ’
27 So you , you could put him into property , erm but erm I do n't know if he 'd been in the U K for the last few years whether he 'd be that keen on commercial property .
28 If you take erm Depends on the shape of them , but very often if you put a piece of newspaper round and then face the corner of one into the into you could put one into the bottom of the next and do it in a square .
29 Okay so we can implement it like that in hardware but the major benefit and this was done sort of like sixties sort of sixty nine seventy was to realize that you could put it into a little package like that which of course is a random access memory .
30 Or you could put it into your introduction depending on which way you feel it is to handle .
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