Example sentences of "that have [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Studies that have examined parental influences on children 's eating patterns have shown that parents have a significant influence .
2 In Wales the club-v-country argument has gone on for longer even than the locust years — a constant , nagging reminder of the manifold and manifest divisions that have wrought such damage on Welsh rugby .
3 The study of palaeontology in conjunction with geology ought to throw light on the interaction of historical events and the evolution of a substantial sample of the organisms that have inhabited this planet .
4 Since such a review stands rather apart from the rest of the material , it is presented separately , in Appendix A , where we consider what syntax is and is not , and the difficulties that have beset previous attempts to explain it , of which the principal result has been an implicit acceptance of what may be called the " perspicuity of grammar " .
5 Think about it as you uncoil your ropes on the little apron of slab below Eagle 's Nest Direct , the polished holds stained running-track crimson from the countless pairs of boots that have deposited reddish mud from Great Hell Gate Scree and Needle Gully onto the rock .
6 The following list provides a brief survey of some of the schools that have become major styles in their own right .
7 During the last 30 years there have been 12 accidents around the world that have caused serious damage to a reactor core .
8 Andrew Achenbaum lists four factors that have caused elderly people to emerge as a distinct social group this century — demographic trends , changing images of old age , group action by older people , and new directions in old age welfare policies .
9 The degree of dispersion away from these concentrations has been limited by the same forces that have prevented low-income people in general from moving into suburban environments , combined with a desire for being amongst their own people in an essentially alien culture .
10 studies that have compared asthmatic children with children suffering from other physical handicaps find little difference in the level of psychological problems .
11 Finally , let us consider some motion verbs that have built-in deictic components , English come vs. go makes some sort of distinction between the direction of motion relative to participants in the speech event ( the exposition here follows Fillmore , 1966 , 1975 : 50ff ) .
12 Furthermore , even samples that have undergone ancient enrichment in incompatible trace elements retain the low Re/Os signature , so that enriched portions of the SCLM become characterized by both low γ Os and low Nd .
13 In this war , Saddam is assaulting the norms that have defined Western uniqueness and superiority ; he is violating the boundaries that have differentiated rationality and irrationality , Western modernity and the pre-modern Orient .
14 Unhappily , the varnish was tarnished by a golden duck against Yorkshire , reawakening the ghosts of three ‘ A ’ tours that have done scant justice to a considerable talent .
15 The cuttings to take now are semi-hardwood or semi-ripe cuttings : young shoots that have grown this year and started to harden at the base .
16 The region today is a sparsely populated land of ruined homesteads , small towns that have seen better days , farmers who are too reliant on unreplenishable groundwater , and missile silos .
17 Inside there 's no carpet , just old lino , a few vinyl-covered stacking chairs , and two tables that have seen better days .
18 Cabinet Ministers struggle into dinner jackets that have seen better days ( so , too , do their detectives ) , their wives sit long before dressing tables applying powder and paint .
19 And it 's to you , the readers , that we beg one week 's indulgence as we uncurl our lips , pat ourselves on that back and take you , in the next 46 pages , on a runaway rollercoaster ride through the stuff and nonsense , faces and fads , ecstatic highs and miserable lows that have littered 40 years of doing battle with the monster that is popular culture .
20 The great transitions of life — birth , marriage and death — retained their power over the imagination , and the rituals around these are all that have kept many churches functioning .
21 Because most of our readers will be using libraries that have adopted this system , fuller details are given below , together with a brief description of the Universal Decimal Classification , which is based on the Dewey system .
22 A reason why a number of companies that have adopted some form of matrix management have declared it a failure is to be found in inadequate preparation and briefing of those involved .
23 Write down examples of previous relationships that have followed similar patterns to the one that you now have with the addict in your life .
24 This stride and those that have followed last week , as recently as last week as Mr said are already miles back along that road .
25 The changes that have affected rural population and landholding patterns are due less to the profitability or otherwise of agriculture itself than to developments pertaining to the economy as a whole .
26 Like other firms that have announced ACE boxes , there is no ACE operating system yet available for the box , though an early version of Microsoft 's NT will be available in June — the complete offering from December — with Unix System Labs ' SVR4 due at the beginning of 1993 .
27 In retrospect , the techniques that have given molecular biology its pace have hung on the principle that life , which has evolved the manipulative techniques by which it is itself sustained , must also embody the techniques for which laboratories cry out .
28 However , even with their aid it is thought by some to be unlikely that the outer Moon could have been melted quickly enough to yield those highland rock samples that have given radiometric ages of about 4300 Ma and older .
29 They wish to develop alternatives to the traditional approaches that have given privileged positions to discoveries , innovative theories , to the world of ideas .
30 Whether the graptolites were not living near shore , or whether the conditions were not right for their preservation , are questions that have excited some argument .
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