Example sentences of "that have [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sales Express , a firm of computerized auctioneers , has experienced unparalleled growth of late as the marketplace has become flooded with goods from companies that have gone into receivership .
2 Plainly , many of the hospitals south of the border that have applied for trust status are making considerable advances in the delivery of patient care .
3 But there again and that have lived in town before
4 Other groups that have written in support of the Save the Cairngorms-led initiative include the Mountaineering Council for Scotland , the Ramblers ' Association , North East Mountain Trust , Friends of the Earth , RSPB and the World Wide Fund for Nature .
5 Second , there may have been severe emotional damage in the past : broken or spoiled relationships with loved ones or with church leaders that have led to unbelief and lack of expectation that God would pour his Spirit into our lives .
6 Three referees of this paper made shrewd comments that have led to improvement .
7 A major problem facing established museums is the natural variation in recording practices that have developed with time .
8 Cultured LC ( which may bear a phenotypic and functional relationship to LC that have migrated to lymph nodes ) express lower levels of E-cadherin and exhibit decreased affinity for KC .
9 In Moore 's work flintstones , ground and chipped by sun and sea , are married to bones that have strained to flesh , sinew and muscle , to breed positive forms .
10 We shall look in turn at the background to the allocation of the present services , the criteria adopted for the distribution of services during the reorganisation years in the early 1970s , the present position , and the problems that have arisen since reorganisation .
11 This may involve dealing with depression , disappointment and many other feelings that have arisen since retirement .
12 This seminar series is stimulated by research studies that have arisen in response to the 1988 Education Reform Act ( ERA ) .
13 Firstly , I would like to share some ‘ difficulties ’ that have arisen in class .
14 We saw the anniversary of the Rainhill trials , with the large range of locomotives exhibited there , and runs by the classic locomotives that have survived into preservation , many of them on the Marches line .
15 Vascular plants of the high Arctic seem by contrast to be remnants of the Tertiary flora that have survived in refugia throughout all the glaciations and recently dispersed southward , though seldom beyond the low Arctic zone .
16 His shamanistic beliefs and espousal of the Zippy/techno-pagan attitudes that have flourished in clubland in recent years mean that when they 're not running scare stories ( Mister C organises sex and drug cult , Shamen gigs as wild drug orgies etc ) , they can do ‘ Mister C — New Age Wacko ’ stuff instead ( tales of his telepathic connection with his twin sister ) .
17 This abandonment of both the major innovations made by the descendants of Eusthenopteron during their colonisation of the land occurs not only among those salamanders that have taken to water but even among some that spend their lives almost entirely on land .
18 Among the antelope these include gazelle species that have adapted to life in India .
19 Both the nilgai and the four-horned antelope were originally Indian woodland species that have adapted to life on the plains .
20 In more recent times , Al Stewart has donated ‘ Here 's To Warren Harding ’ , recalling how the 29th President was ‘ Alone in the White House , watching the sun come up on the morning of 1921 ’ ; Elvis Costello has resurrected bluesman J B Lenoir 's ‘ Eisenhower Blues ’ ; Tom Paxton advising that ‘ Lyndon Johnson Told The Nation ’ ; while , only a week ago , U96 released ‘ I Wan na Be A Kennedy ’ , just another of the scores of Kennedy songs that have proliferated through rock since ‘ 62 .
21 Organisations that have agreed in principle to let Phonelink hold and use their databases are Infocheck for company profiling ; the Automobile Association for identification of appropriate hotel accommodation , restaurants and guest houses ; Thomson Directories for finding business leads ; the Press Association for news ; Ordnance Survey for destination mapping ; British Rail for railway timetables ; British Weather Services ; and GB Mailing Systems for postcode information .
22 And one of the things that archaeologists do all their time is try by looking at the evidence , whether it 's stuff that comes from the ground , landscapes or old buildings , to try and understand the changes that have happened through time , to see things that were there that have gone , and to work out what
23 Erm , if I could just bring the committee up to date on one or two things that have happened in relation to the district auditor 's report .
24 Richey and his Maniacs are another band that have changed beyond belief .
25 The few reported cases that have come to autopsy have generally shown bilateral cerebral lesions but the right sided damage has always been in the region of the occipito-temporal junction whereas the lesions on the left have not been uniformly located ( Benson , Segarra and Albert , 1974 ; Meadows , 1974 ; Whiteley and Warrington , 1977 ) .
26 This ability of DNA to cut and splice , to jump in and out of chromosomes at the drop of a hat , is one of the more exciting facts that have come to light since the first edition of this book was published .
27 The artist emerges far more clearly as a result of corrections and additions , and of further research on the many drawings that have come to light in recent decades .
28 I mean , I think , there is something there that needs pursuing , I 'm not accusing all judges of being , inherently , you know , nutty , or , whatever , but , the number of cases that have come to light in the last few years , whether it 's because the press have just decided to home in on them ,
29 In late 1917 , proclaiming Labour 's new commitment to ‘ the democratic control of industry [ through ] the common ownership of the means of production ’ , Arthur Henderson pledged the Party to ‘ strenuously resist every proposal to hand back to private capitalists the great industries and services that have come under Government control during the war … we do not mean to loosen the popular grip upon them , but on the contrary to strengthen it . ’
30 extensive mountain-building , due to colliding continental plates , is in progress — the Andes , Himalayas and Cascades are all mountain ranges that have come into existence during the past 10+ million years , and are still in the process of creation
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