Example sentences of "that we [vb mod] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 And in fact there are even more subtle things than that you can find if you look carefully at Oh I might er I think that we might go out into the garden and I 'll show you one or two other features out there that are er even more er interesting and er er exciting .
2 One evening , David , Barry , Christina and John Hutchinson were all sitting in my front room and talking about what we could actually do to earn some money It was suggested that we might go down to one of the local pubs which held regular jazz nights , to see if they had an evening free and perhaps we could run a folk club just one evening a week and maybe charge people to come in and make a few pennies for ourselves .
3 ‘ I thought that we would go up the Television Tower and see the view , then go to the museums , especially the Pergamon , then the Palace of the Republic , then … . ’
4 It was only when I felt safe with you , and after we had spent some hours working on our poems , that we would go down to the restaurant for late dinner , which always ended with either banana or ‘ flan ’ .
5 Sir Rufus Stone suggested that we ought to go round with photographs , until we find her parents .
6 I take it you 're agreed that we ought to go on expanding our hotel interests , right ?
7 then I do n't think that we ought to go along with , for instance , just using a term like , spelling
8 Sue and I decided that we ought to go out and buy some stationery .
9 And I always think back to the er the time I think Edmund and I were sitting in the back garden here and deciding that we 'd go off and join the paratroopers
10 And we 've been waiting and waiting and waiting now for a week to get this reconciliation at least together so that we could go out and re-count whatever was required .
11 We believe strongly that we should go on working together in full partnership in a Union that has served every part of the United Kingdom well .
12 The implications of this discussion is that we should go back and re-evaluate all aspects of the sociology of youth — youth cultures , popular music , education , employment , unemployment , training — in terms of the kinds of assumptions that are being made .
13 To conclude I think that we should go along rather than hope sort of an aspect of Conservative philosophy which is that people should be encouraged to earn money and they should be encouraged to save money and that therefore in this case this means proposing this Conservative motion , though I hope they will actually have the common sense to withdraw it .
14 Additionally , why the hell 1–0 , we could at least hope if we do lose that we will go down all guns blazing in a stormer of a match , say 4–3 ( and Brian , might even score one against quality opposition — god forbid him score more though .
15 Sustainable development consoles us with the idea that we can go on having more provided we are more hygienic and respect nature .
16 If I sound euphoric I make no apologies , It has been a superb period for English rugby and will also be a hard act to follow , but after the weekend of the Irish visit I am sure that we can go on to even greater things from here .
17 we have to wait here and see coming in from their lessons just so that we can go off and go to Geography
18 ‘ On the other hand we 're the draw specialists at the moment but another one is n't much good to us and I 'm confident that we can go out there and beat Forest . ’
19 ‘ Our plan is to make all our songs famous enough so that we can go back to Cork and do the circuit again , and they 'll recognise Walters Trip as a song by The Frank & Walters ! ’
20 So , I suppose one of them , right , we can make mature , so if you 'd like to put your handset by the side of your phone , do n't put it down , we 'll let that one mature and prove that after 75 seconds we ca n't lose them , and with the other one , can we just prove that we can go back to the conversation any time we like .
21 And in my own role as as the as being on the editorial board of the newsletter erm we need all the effort that we can going in into that really .
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