Example sentences of "that had been [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She heard the incredulity in his voice and it fuelled the small truth that had been niggling at her , unacknowledged , all day .
2 Luke was in command and this time instinct told Robyn there would be no withdrawal , no respite from his sexual onslaught , from the tension that had been building between them since the very first moment .
3 They were on the dusty painted dresser , on the shelves , and on a tin tray before a freckled old mirror that had been hanging in the bathroom .
4 Recently , in fact , with only bathroom tissue , hand soap and water , I cleaned up an acrylic painting that had been hanging in a office for 24 years .
5 When the political and moral credibility of the Soviet system collapsed in 1956 , something that had been slumbering in the depths of Sartre 's consciousness was suddenly reawakened .
6 The blue-tit that had been swinging on a bramble , singing " Heigh , ho , go-and-get-another-bit-of-moss , " stopped his acrobatics and flew into the wood .
7 SALT I , the most important of these , placed limits on the further construction of intercontinental nuclear weapon systems by both sides ; it was intended to remain in force for five years or until superseded by a more comprehensive agreement , and it was the first real fruit of negotiations that had been proceeding since the late 1960s .
8 And the one that had been writhing on the ground recovered itself , lunging towards her from the other side .
9 So th let's look then back at this illustration for a moment , this incident , Jesus then gets er a few of his disciples and they go out , in the boat , and there are others who follow him , they get into their boats quite likely , quite possibly that many of the others would have been followers of Jesus , some of his other disciples , it 's unlikely in these very small little er lakeside fishing boats that many of disciples would have got in , there might have been four or five of them that would have been about the lot and so the others would have got into some of the other boats which were nearby and , and others are the people that had been listening to Jesus , they too get into boats , and they pull out following him , wanting to hear if he 's got anything more to say , wanting to witness anything else that he 's gon na do , they wan na be there to see and to hear what Jesus has to say and is going to do .
10 When Sandra was nearly fourteen her mother had suddenly grabbed hold of her by the knobbly clothes-prop in the sloping garden and delivered up the one piece of advice that had been fermenting in that already greying head for decades .
11 The storm that had been circling in the distance wandered far off , only an occasional casual flicker of light low in the sky showed that somewhere the enormous battle was going on .
12 In 1962 H. H. Hess , of Princeton University in the USA , published a radical explanation for much of the geological data that had been accumulating over the previous decade or so .
13 In 1949 , at the height of the Cold War , almost exactly ten years after the events themselves , the storm that had been brewing in Aragon 's mind since 1940 finally-burst , with the publication of Les Communistes .
14 I had caught an eider duck that had been sheltering on a lochan and was flying back with it against the wind when I grew tired .
15 Shaking off the nostalgia that threatened to overwhelm her , she went to the window and threw it open , startling a tiny robin that had been resting on the sill .
16 The black eyes that had been sparkling with good humour a moment before had become hard , almost angry .
17 Children were playing on the green , a wet labrador that had been swimming in the beck was drying out by the village cross , and there was just room amongst the people sat at the table outside the pub for one man and his dog .
18 The vote of no confidence was a final humiliation for a government that had been clinging to office .
19 That and the fact that she had managed to stir all those self-doubts that had been hovering at the back of her mind .
20 A hinge that had been digging into his stomach freed itself .
21 I felt this was a chance for me to put to rest one way or another this thing that had been nagging at me for such a long time . ’
22 One hundred years ago this month a distinguished group of chemists met in Geneva to resolve a crisis that had been developing in organic chemistry .
23 The ‘ piecemeal ’ entry of the former colleges of education and some other colleges which had not previously secured polytechnic status was not quite along lines that the Robbins Committee had proposed , but the picture of higher education that had been developing from the early 1960s was now broader and more complex .
24 A senior academic was arrested ‘ for carrying unsigned tracts ’ of a kind that had been circulating throughout the city for a month .
25 The scope for genuinely unilateral action was much greater in the political–military realm , especially once the huge army that had been fighting in Algeria had been repatriated and re-equipped .
26 Like the ‘ Samson ’ , it is an important rediscovery , once in the Demidoff Collection , that had been missing for decades and was last seen in at the C.L.Cardon sale in Brussels in 1921 .
27 It was sexual excitement — an element that had been missing from her life for too long .
28 And the NRPB 's move also emphasized a process that had been continuing for many years .
29 It solidified the tentative ideas that had been evolving in Whitehall since the drafting of the 1952 Global Strategy paper ; and it was , in many respects , ahead of thinking in Washington , where traditional military orthodoxy still held sway .
30 As the sound was repeated again and again the tears that had been brimming in Lan 's eyes spurted down her cheeks , and beside her Tam listened rigid with horror , waiting for the sound of his brother 's wailing to begin .
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