Example sentences of "that had been [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was also through Bede that the AD system of reckoning the years from the Incarnation of Christ , that had been devised two centuries before by Dionysius Exiguus , was introduced into England .
2 At three o'clock in the morning of Tuesday 20 May , Frank Foley and Edward Carrington watched a Dornier 217 taxi to a halt between the lines of flares that had been lit ten minutes previously at RAF Lincoln .
3 Meanwhile , the corporate-finance deals that had been generating big bucks for Wall Street 's investment bankers were starting to dry up .
4 My next call was to the company that had been holding some of my things in storage , just to warn them that I was coming round .
5 They had no subsistence plots to fall back on , some tried reviving traditional handicrafts but these could not compete with the manufactured goods that had been made available by the market system .
6 While hand colouring was fully accepted as a compromise , and in fact supplied work to the legions of miniature painters that had been made redundant by the advent of photography , experiments continued to be made all over the world .
7 While hand colouring was fully accepted as a compromise , and in fact supplied work to the legions of miniature painters that had been made redundant by the advent of photography , experiments continued to be made all over the world .
8 Domestically , it was necessary to prevent ‘ sinister interests ’ from dominating the political process — the world that had been made safe for democracy had to be kept safe by democracy .
9 His elder brother , Richard , lived nearby with his wife and young daughter , and like his father worked as a groom , possibly at nearby Waplington Hall , a large , gabled house that had been built some thirty years earlier .
10 But if it had been an unusually intelligent bird — an escaped mynah bird , perhaps , or a parrot that had been blown several thousand miles off course by very strong winds — ; it would have thought :
11 Todd had n't spoken in over a minute , but there was a harshness on the line that Ellwood knew to be his breathing , and a thin , reedy , barely audible sound behind that , which resembled nothing so much as a cry that had been buried alive .
12 I heard myself saying the line that had been waiting ready for months : ‘ I think the time has come when you must go in . ’
13 With many fewer people , ideas that had been considered impossible , such as combinations of major functions , were now implemented successfully .
14 Except for a white , Ford van , similar to the van that had been parked near to the Coroner 's Court , nothing caught his suspicions ; he watched the van drive past .
15 From the book he 'd just put down he knew that vast tracts of virgin tropical forest covered those mountainsides and large areas of the lowlands too ; in the book there w.ere sepia-tinted photographs of primitive tribesmen who still hunted with stone-tipped arrows and poison darts in those same forests that also teemed with elephant herds , tiger , buffalo , black bears and countless other rare species of animal life that had been left undisturbed by the march of civilization .
16 Of course the ‘ big three ’ are only the tip of the iceberg — there are dozens more brilliant routes at the Roaches , including one classic of a style that had been left unrepresented by our day out .
17 She was thinking of the book that had been left open on the bedcover when she first visited ‘ La Felicità ’ .
18 The hearth was drifted up with cinders that had been left uncleared when today 's fire was lit .
19 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
20 The roof was slightly unusual due to the relative heights of the eaves and the ridge , but to a structural engineer the design was sound and anyway was one that had been used many times before .
21 Within was a colour photograph of Nicola that had been taken several years before : her face was chubbier and her hair , although still a remarkable blonde , was straight and parted down the middle .
22 This photograph , of a doctor , was one that had been taken some time previously to illustrate an article on long hours worked by junior doctors .
23 He favoured less one that had been taken ten years before in which his bowler hat and suit are typical of a provincial businessman .
24 A favourite a couple of years ago was a letter issued from an American bank that had been issued three years previously . ’
25 These became , in fact , the almost exclusive preserve of Hammer Films , a company that had been making skilfully-marketed pictures with an eye on the US B-movie market since the late 1940s .
26 Claws braced on the wall beneath it , the thing strained upwards , rolling its dripping head in agony — and something that had been lying tight beneath it on the pavement slid from under its ravaged body and into the basement .
27 Chebrikov was particularly scathing about the ‘ informal groups ’ that had been attracting public attention , warning that ‘ extremist elements ’ had worked their way into the leaderships of some of them and that they were encouraging them to engage in actions ‘ objectively against the interests of our society ’ .
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