Example sentences of "that had [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He played down the adverse conditions that had led to low lambing rates by pointing to the limit of 205,000 tonnes that could be sent to Europe under the voluntary restraint agreement .
2 The issues at stake could hardly have been greater , and they concerned the other members of the world community just as much as they concerned the USSR : for it was not only in the USSR that an answer was being sought to the question as to whether there could be a ‘ third way ’ — a socialism that ensured a decent and equitable living for all its members and yet avoided monopolistic concentrations of power of a kind that had led to political repression in the USSR and other communist-ruled nations .
3 The political and ideological factors that had led to popular support for and involvement in the inter-imperialist war of 1914–18 and the anti-fascist war of 1939–45 could no longer be used to justify the use of means of warfare which , it became clear , not only involved disproportionate suffering but endangered the future of humanity .
4 Some of them were ex-members of the committees of poor peasants ( kombedy ) that had requisitioned in military style during War Communism , a style that lingered on .
5 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
6 If Africans had plenty of examples of countries that had gone through painful structural adjustments and emerged transformed , it might be easier for governments to persuade citizens that the pain was worthwhile .
7 My journey , I realised now , was not one that had begun at fixed point ‘ A ’ and would run to ‘ B ’ : crossing space — by canoe or donkey or in the footsteps of — was not what it was about .
8 Kensal Green then was an old-fashioned , tight-knit working class community , the kind that had survived through thick and thin since Victoria was on the throne and that nowadays only exists in sociology textbooks and TV soaps .
9 Cow-Keeping in India , " she read from the spine of a volume that had suffered from damp .
10 But it was countered by the somewhat cooler attitude towards the royal family that had emerged in recent years , some of it captured in an ‘ anti-jubilee ’ number of the New Statesman edited by Anthony Howard .
11 Jake 's tone was lethal as he looked down at her with eyes that had turned to blue ice .
12 She winced , smarting beneath memories of Giles 's disbelief and the greedy delight that had turned to frustrated irritation .
13 They were all the thwarted ambitions , evil intentions , bitter memories , crushed hopes and suppressed lusts that had emanated from human hearts since life began , and which now invisibly thronged the air .
14 With the once cool moist forest falling , the maidenhair ferns that had arched on fine black stems in the shade blistered , the bromeliads ' swordpoints discoloured by direct light and the monkeys and the birds of many colours in retreat , she wanted punishment , hers and others ' .
15 In the evening , when Sigarup took the flock back to the hut , the lambs that had stayed behind bleated and frolicked with excitement .
16 And from the distance they looked like small stars of the sky that had formed into new constellations and drifted away on the still water .
17 In Woodrow , it was held that affray is a continuing offence , so that where an indictment charged the defendants with a single offence and particularised several incidents that had occurred at different places and over a period of several hours , the indictment was not bad for duplicity .
18 Because it is possible to turn the regressed patient into an observer rather than into someone undergoing the experience she was able to tell me everything that had happened in precise detail .
19 She hoped her face had n't betrayed those inner feelings that had leapt into unwelcome life at the sight of him .
20 Taplin Green and Keeley — or their ghosts since none of those names now survived in the list of partners — had offices on the south side of New Square a corridor with an uneven floor under the carpeting and doorways that had subsided to odd angles .
21 The tyres squealed as they braked , the concrete smooth as skin and slick with fluids that had bled from other cars .
22 They and their main shareholder contended that , in reliance on the facility offered by the banks , that had entered into certain commitments .
23 Fortunately , there always seemed to be a hard core of people who were determined to breathe new life into a tradition that had started with phenomenal success in 1892 under its first president , Billy Hutchinson , of Redcar .
24 Hence , it was not surprising that , as an answer to the problem of unemployment , PEP should have seized upon the seductively plausible idea of retirement pensions that had originated in Labour circles ten years earlier .
25 Rather , in negotiations that had proceeded under United Nations auspices since 1981 , they were to withdraw upon a number of specific conditions .
26 The most rapidly growing counties were all in the South-East , largely ones that had experienced below average growth rates in the nineteenth century .
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