Example sentences of "that had [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She wore a dark grey hat taken from the store on her last day as owner , and that was 17 years ago , and a plain grey scarf round her throat , and leather gloves that had stood a long test of time .
2 He was joking , half flirting , stirring an intimacy between them that had sent a flickering response , like warm fingers , down Ronni 's spine .
3 They sold off the mine 's equipment , including the water pumps that had kept the 1,500 foot shafts dry .
4 Furthermore , the Polish nobility that had led the national movement in Marx 's time had yielded power in Poland to a new rising capitalist class and settled for privileges guaranteed by the Tsar .
5 But now , looking at the lined , self-knowing expression of this consummate dissembler , Harry found it easier to believe he had merely staged a performance , an expert and convincing charade that had achieved the desired result .
6 On May 18 1988 , Computergram Number 931 reported that IBM was seeking retroactive royalties from any company that had cloned the Personal Computer * * * the Open Software Foundation was revealed with seven sponsors * * *
7 The other eye had been closed for most of the fight by a left hook that had caused a large amount of swelling both above and below the brow .
8 Erdle indicated the book that had caused the recent controversy , still clutched in Melissa 's hand ; now , he was smiling , openly taunting Gebrec .
9 Lin Foh looked shocked as Cowley stated the unstatable , heavily implying that Lin Foh was not a welcome presence in England , after the coup that had ousted the ruling junta two months before .
10 Employment and people alike began a southward drift , partially reversing the redistribution in favour of the coalfields that had characterized the Industrial Revolution .
11 There is no more of the profound serenity that had characterized the Greek spirit in its greatest period , and , above all , in the sixth century , which had produced the ( religious ) movement of the mysteries , tragedy , and ( the " religious " philosophers , ) Pythagoras and Heraclitus .
12 The very house that had sheltered the entire community during the great storm in 1756 , when waves spumed right across the island and lightning struck the Mull , causing a massive rockfall , and the steep cliffs .
13 Indeed , the implication of his resignation letter was that for five years there had been conflict at the very heart of the government that had precipitated the earlier resignations of Heseltine , Lawson and , in July 1990 , Nicholas Ridley , the Trade and industry Secretary ( the last after he had expressed intemperate views about Britain 's European partners that many observers believed the Prime Minister herself shared ) .
14 The enemy picquet that had ambushed the French vanguard was hurrying to the shelter of the wood , but some of them had left their retreat too late and the Dragoons caught them .
15 It is typical of how an older horseman who had in his possession most of the ancient secrets , was able to deal with a situation that had baffled a younger man .
16 Early in the fourth century the struggles that had occurred intermittently between the Roman state and the Christian Church ended with the latter proving the stronger , partly as a result of the military upheavals that had threatened the former in the middle of the previous century .
17 In Western minds the period is associated with the saga of Antony and Cleopatra , but for ordinary Egyptians at the time , one of the greatest legacies was the introduction of Christianity which came to replace the worship of the river and a panoply of associated gods that had characterised the religious life of the pharaonic age .
18 The invention of the tank and the aircraft broke through the defensive stalemate that had characterised the first world war .
19 Although by the turn of the century most of the food adulteration that had characterised the nineteenth century grocery trade had disappeared , customers were still cheated by unscrupulous retailers who gave short weight by including an excessive amount of packaging around products such as tea .
20 ( Subscribers to the ‘ cock-up ’ theory of history will be interested to learn that the framers of the American constitution were much impressed by Montesquieu 's idea that it was the separation of powers in Britain that had enabled the British to maintain their freedom from tyranny .
21 From 1968 onwards Nicaragua was repeatedly referred to in the Reports of the Court to the General Assembly as a State that had accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court , and the United Nations Secretariat had made similar listings .
22 AFTER SEVEN years of perfecting an original and incisive style of investigative journalism in the provinces , I relished the opportunity to move to the big city and expose the callous greed and avarice that had poisoned the cynical entertainment industry for so long .
23 in my eyes like , was more professional than the one that had done the new one !
24 I was hypnot-ized by the knowing way this eleven-year-old blurted out so unfeelingly a tragedy that had paralysed an entire family .
25 John O'Connor has described how , following up what was a Zanuck initiative , a Warner Bros team had eventually produced I am a Fugitive , a film that outspokenly denounced the Southern chain-gang system by using a true story that had received a great deal of publicity , the studio 's gamble on topicality really paying off when the real-life subject of the story was actually rearrested just a few months after the film 's release .
26 Mr Kerr added that none of the companies that had received the irregular payments had been required to repay money .
27 Take-off time arrived and the oil temperatures were still somewhat below the criteria , but I opened the throttles and very shortly the tail was up and I was heading down the short runway into a brisk headwind , pointing straight for the little pub outside the camp that had become a second home for us .
28 The lighting down here was bright , the surroundings that depressing blend of streaked concrete walls and painted metal fittings that had become the principal feature of late twentieth-century gothic .
29 They ran for the shelter of a large chunk of dislodged temple that had fallen a few metres away .
30 Even a change of name — from the Windscale that had witnessed the 1957 fire to the brave new world of Sellafield — has failed to expunge public hostility .
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