Example sentences of "that they have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 We get a consideration from the business unit for some of the graduates that they have selected for us .
2 It is a remarkable tribute to their builders that they have survived for fifty years in regular service , albeit in rebuilt form .
3 I did , and they , oh Chris erm happened to notice that they have charged for a new phone that I have n't got .
4 Rather there is an essential assumption of that basic face-to-face conversational context in which all humans acquire language , or as Lyons ( 1977a : 637-8 ) has put it rather more precisely : The grammaticalization and lexicalization of deixis is best understood in relation to what may be termed the canonical situation of utterance : this involves one-one , or one-many , signalling in the phonic medium along the vocal-auditory channel , with all the participants present in the same actual situation able to see one another and to perceive the associated non-vocal paralinguistic features of their utterances , and each assuming the role of sender and receiver in turn There is much in the structure of languages that can only be explained on the assumption that they have developed for communication in face-to-face interaction .
5 Teachers need to take children 's ideas seriously , and avoid making them feel that they have to search for the right answer , hidden somewhere in the teacher 's head .
6 The reason for these visits is that they have asked for our help in drafting new laws and constitutions , as well as advising on legal procedures and the training of advocates .
7 Er , Council are also agreeing to the road and a District Council are in agreement with the road , albeit that they have asked for the road to follow more closely to the erm but I believe it is acceptable that the road and the line of the road in general principle is .
8 The extremists ' behaviour helps Mr Yeltsin because it convinces voters who do not much like him that they have to vote for the president in order to keep out people like Messrs Baburin and Isakov .
9 It is suggested that they have changed for the better , while we have not .
10 The influence of Kilkenny and Galway hurling is reflected in the fact that they have qualified for three finals , minor , U-21 and senior .
11 All of this leads Fred and Beth to worry that the fatal combination of an explosion of ‘ free time ’ with a booming global market in consumer goods and leisure industries will spell the death of their great utopian dream that they have cherished for so long — individual self-realization , mutuality in work and levelling out of global economic inequalities .
12 Sir , — I can not for one moment imagine that Ian McGeechan will ‘ feel hugely satisfied because his backs are beginning to fulfil some of the potential that they have shown for years ’ ( David Sole , 8 March ) after the disappointment of the 26-12 humiliation by England last Saturday .
13 If you have ever actually looked at this document that they have produced for today 's meeting , it is not a strategy , it 's not a statement , it 's just a trotting out of the old stories that have been knocked back time and time again , but if they 're gon na bring it out , let's knock it back again .
14 The dogs howl and whine at first , then realize that they have finished for the day .
15 Or do the nuclear powers-that be believe that they have won for the world not only peace in our time , but peace for a million years and more .
16 THE STONE ROSES have not signed to CBS Records , despite rumours currently doing the rounds in Manchester that they have signed for £5 million .
17 THE STONE ROSES have not signed to CBS Records , despite rumours currently doing the rounds in Manchester that they have signed for £5 million .
18 Only er , only , they 're only paying for lunch for those that they have to pay for lunch .
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