Example sentences of "that they have [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Why are there grave areas , areas of uncertainty and responsibility erm Rivers Authority er Area Manager I believe , Mr er presented the position from their point of view er in particular circumstances on the night of thirtieth December er the er Southern Water whose responsibility is primarily sewage erm er describes circumstances that they have been contending with and a great deal of criticism erm was what we had to anticipate if you like or do anything er to contend with the unusual circumstances of that night erm the consequence was that a large number of new houses in the very close to the that runs through Barnham and under the railway there erm and er not ordinary surplus water flooding , but sewage flooding and the consequences then for many years er it 's obviously going to give , quite apart from having to live with it , er it will on the properties themselves and adversely affect er the ability of individuals to sell them off .
2 He says that they have been using the shaft for dumping substances .
3 The idea of them having to bring fortnightly evidence that they have been looking for work when in the majority of cases they are not even permitted onto premises to ask for a job suggests an obvious indifference on the part of the policy makers .
4 ‘ Although if you read the American papers , you can see that they have been accusing our troops of committing ‘ atrocities ’ in Palestine .
5 In addition to normal responsibilities , which include making new investments , approaching new potential customers and keeping existing customers happy , Mr Queen says that they have been trying to educate the professional community to recognise when a company is going to need more working capital .
6 The Government are supposed to support small firms , but is not the reality that they have been betraying them ?
7 ( a ) Spouses living together There is no charge to capital gains tax on a transfer of assets between husband and wife provided that they have been living together in the year of assessment in which the transfer takes place ( Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 ) ( " TCGA 1992 " ) , s58 .
8 They were always a big league band in the States , but it 's only in the last five years or so that they have been rising up the Euro league .
9 And they are losing their tradition of the food that they have been getting from Eastern Europe .
10 In addition , there are the policies that they have been advocating from the Front Bench this afternoon on the European social action programme , a national statutory minimum wage and trade union law reform , which would make it easier to strike and to have more frequent and more damaging strikes .
11 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
12 Some return to the surface with scars on their snouts which suggest that they have been battling with creatures possessing suckers 13 centimetres across , and squid beaks even bigger than that of the Norwegian giant have been found in their stomachs .
13 We should take them at their word and hold them to it , rather than resign ourselves to the judgment that they have been lying .
14 The twelve select committees established by the Commons in December 1979 seem to have attracted enough criticism from the executive to suggest that they have been asking some pertinent questions , but their overall impact on policy has so far been slight .
15 The statistics for ’ dangerous occurrences ’ show that they have been increasing during the past few years — so there is no ground for complacency .
16 In corporate finance , the conventional view in America and Britain still is that Japanese firms rely for most of their money on friendly banks that they have been wining and dining for years .
17 So Iraq has now formally asked the Turks to shorten the cut-off period but the Turks reply that they have been releasing more water down the river and the Iraquis should have been able to build up stocks .
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