Example sentences of "that they have [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 If was a far cry from the big house that they 'd lived in as far back as she could remember .
2 By the time the General Election arrived eighteen months later , there was a good candidate ( Malcolm Thornton , now MP ) , a renewed constituency organisation and time for the people of Crosby to realise that they 'd done in that panicky moment when they were looking for a familiar face as their Member of Parliament .
3 They were trading in the village , bartering orange plastic beads and metalware that they 'd bought in India for flour and grain .
4 And I think er w we 're concerned that erm the the case presented by the county has in in concentrating on migration , perhaps they have n't have n't fully expanded on on the points that they 've raised in document N Y eleven .
5 where you , you get a scale response to them and we can do stats on but equally , if you get people to describe their most recent dream or describe their most erm , you know , compelling dream or , you know , a good one that they 've had in the last year or something like that , you may want to try and get that on tape or something like that erm if possible , yeah .
6 Now I 've given you er a tablet to take Mary , it 's the , it 's a one that they 've used in fact down at the Pain Clinics , these special Pain
7 And er we will maintain that we 've used the appropriate statistics from the office of population censuses and surveys and the Registrar General 's er and erm our colleagues have made an error is our opinion on er the er death statistics that they 've used in their calculations of the model in our opinion .
8 It 's a domestic policy , hands off right and this was one of the arguments one of those potent arguments that they 've used in the last forty years right but it 's incredibly naive because any domestic policy will have an international dimension I remember the about European Community right but it was n't for the operation of the common agricultural policy countries in the European Community would be net importers of agricultural goods as we were ten years ago bec because er of protectionism we 've now increased our self sufficiency to the point where were a net exporter of agricultural goods what implications has th does that have for international trade ?
9 Crucially , Realism provided a justification for the kind of foreign policy which the leaders of the USA felt that they had to undertake in the period immediately after the Second World War .
10 As soon as the opportunity presented itself , the likelihood was that they would show the same determination to seize the nobility 's land that they had displayed in 1905 .
11 Polish police said yesterday that they had called in army commandos to help control English fans .
12 England 's juniors , though , could at least console themselves that they had participated in one of the most enthralling matches played on English soil in recent years .
13 The most remarkable of these long-established families were the Boulters who had established no fewer than eight different households during the 100 years or so that they had lived in Wigston .
14 By the mid-1920s they no longer had the harsh appearance that they had developed in the immediate pre-war years …
15 In October 1912 both Rufus Isaacs and Lloyd George denied that they had engaged in dealings in Marconi shares , but a Select Committee was set up to investigate the allegations of sensationalist newspapers .
16 Both had been arrested and were charged with serious terrorist offences , of which I was sure they were totally innocent ; although I was equally sure that they had engaged in active political propaganda , which in some ways would have been no less objectionable to the South African government .
17 Nikko Securities , Daiwa Securities , Nomura Securities and Yamaichi Securities admitted on Sept. 23 that they had engaged in further illegal share compensation deals , in addition to those which had caused a political storm earlier in the year [ see p. 38342 ] .
18 It took a further two decades before ‘ the elderly ’ were once more to experience the high profile that they had achieved in the debates of the 1940s and 1950s concerning their position and role in the economy .
19 By the end of the 1970s the American electorate was in a fluid , dealigned state with parties no longer able to provide the degree of structure that they had contributed in the past .
20 At the moment there is n't even a charging regulations came in the schools immediately cut back because it was a very definite barrier that was put up to prevent schools that prevented schools from from taking up that sort of er offer that they had done in the past and it 's a major problem .
21 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’
22 I noticed that when particularly struck by a drawing , his features would assume the same look of wide-eyed amazement that they had done in the latter rôle when Bottom wakes from his dream and begins the speech , ‘ I have had a most rare vision … ’ .
23 Some Protestants opposed the weakening of the dominance that they had exercised in local government since partition .
24 Nevertheless , the Russians were left in no doubt that they had blundered in their relationship with Castro .
25 Er , however erm because of the concern about er the overall cost of the programme and the production cost in nineteen ninety two , we required er the companies to undertake studies into ways of reducing the programme cost and it was as a result of those studies , that they came up with a list of potential savings er which in the U K case er could knock fourteen percent off the price that they had quoted in April ninety two .
26 They recounted all that they had learned in their careful reconnaissance , clustered in a corner of the great hall with the dogs round their feet in the rushes .
27 He studied orchids , because of their extraordinary shapes ; and argued ( building on work of Brown ) that they had evolved in conjunction with the insects which fertilized them .
28 Had such a regime already existed , the creditors of the recently collapsed Land Travel would not have lost the money — about £6.6m — that they had paid in advance for their holidays .
29 The magistrate dismissed the case against Lord Harlech and Stephen Murphy on the grounds that they had acted in good faith and with due care and attention to the issues involved .
30 Word-list style is a careful style in his terms ( but as we have shown in a number of publications , Labov 's predictions about the stylistic continuum did not work in this divergent-dialect community in the way that they had worked in New York City ) .
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