Example sentences of "that they be [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The fact of the matter , at the same time , erm , as you yourself have said , Chairman , we are in a situation where we have four communication rooms coming down to two next year hopefully , I personally think it should come down to one , but lets recognise that they 're costing the police authority one point six million pounds , they 're tying up forty-one uniformed police officers , and something like fifty er , civilian officers on those exercises .
2 ‘ And now , how about introducing me to some of your friends seeing that they 're enjoying the freedom of my house ? ’
3 The implication has been all along that they 're using the same United States manufacturing source but in fact there are one or two discrepancies here , erm , because the value is so high , I 'm actually sort of going through and looking at everything pretty closely , and they 've changed the basis so wow , .
4 It 's importers , Ebco , deny that they 're harming the British coal industry .
5 The problem for the students to some extent , is being compounded by the withdrawal of housing benefit , which means that they 're paying the full cost of rents in the private sector , whereas before they might have been getting ten , twelve even , more pounds a week refunded to them through the housing benefit scheme .
6 And it seems that the Japanese are confident of success , to such an extent that they 're launching the new model first in Germany , of all places .
7 Right , okay , erm let's now move on to er these other diagnostics , right , like test for structural change these diagnostic test statistics that are calculated for right , because essentially what they 're doing is that they 're testing the assumptions on which ordinary leased squares is based .
8 Police are delighted that they 're winning the battle against the criminals .
9 exactly but because of that they 're playing the ball through the Forest er midfield and they are looking a lot better side .
10 And th they they 've announced the next day that they 're having the same concert as well !
11 Although the user thinks that they are deleting the material they are only really removing them from the current display list — all the text and graphics are still being held in the file .
12 They want to feel that they are eating the kind of food which will add to the chances of their remaining in good health , but often they can not see how they can do so if their income has been drastically reduced .
13 c ) Support CHAS nationally at Christmas — rather than send your family and friends socks or hankies — make a donation to CHAS in their name and we will send you a card , with a ‘ Gift token ’ which explains what you have done , saying that they are helping the work of CHAS .
14 By concentrating upon the physical consequences , the surgeons are deluding themselves and their patients into believing that they are helping the problem and that they are providing encouragement for the future .
15 Earth Dwellers have now begun to grasp that they are tattering the ozone layer , which protects them from the harmful rays of their sun ( star 4135 in our heavens ) .
16 We need to be aware that many of the ideas we introduce on an assumption that they are reflecting the children 's backgrounds may have little or no meaning or relevance for the children .
17 The major institutions of society are justified by the belief that they are meeting the functional prerequisites of the social system .
18 Members have the use of Association mooring bays , jetties and fishing huts ; and the sure and certain knowledge that they are supporting the very best of causes : their own future pleasure and enjoyment .
19 If all the cases that attract attention , because they are argued in important appellate courts before public scrutiny , are occasions on which judges are scrupulous in denying that they are serving the goal of protected expectations through their decisions , this can hardly do much to reinforce the public 's faith in that ideal .
20 For the older 40-plus age groups , often high-flying career woman who have remained childless and perhaps unmarried , the principal sources of despair and anxiety are very often an inability to accept that they are nearing the end of their reproductive years , coupled with the fear of growing old and being lonely .
21 Although many local authorities in their strategy documents state that they aim first at rehabilitation , I remain unconvinced that they are devoting the same resources in terms of skilled social workers with small caseloads and adequate financial support to natural families , as they do to finding and supporting new families .
22 On the other hand , after seeing what he was doing with his electrified guitar , it is entirely possible that Mr Rossi 's aficionados are of the opinion that they are getting the best of both worlds .
23 All building society investors and financial advisers are strongly urged to check that they are getting the best rates available .
24 This way , they may reason , they can get to the heart of the supplier 's promotional and sales pitch , and reassure themselves that they are getting the right deal .
25 Certainly some of the productions that we are responsible for , as I have said , are controversial , and some of the public might not really want them and might dispute their validity , but I think what it is an indication of is the fact that people are short of money and have to make quite sure that they are getting the best value for what they are paying for and they ca n't afford to go to the theatre as regularly as they might have done in the past .
26 It is therefore vital that they are given the right sort of care , so they can grow up to be well developed and strong physically , mentally alert , contented and emotionally stable .
27 All services should address relatives ' needs seriously by giving information , ensuring they feel involved and above all by ensuring that they are given the support they need to carry on caring .
28 Realising these advantages assumes that DHAs do have bargaining leverage over providers , that they do have choices and that they are given the freedom to make them .
29 The surprising point that has occurred with regard to my own business is that other supposed chartered accountants have been preparing fully audited accounts without ever setting foot in the premises that they are conducting the audit for .
30 That they are sabotaging the deadline they have themselves imposed .
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