Example sentences of "that would be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Okay , it is often argued that , I mean this is the principal reason why agricultural trade has n't been in the GATT negotiations , because agricultural er , protectionism has been enshrined in domestic agricultural policy , govern policy makers will say , we are protecting er , our own domestic industries right , because we , because of er , erm , deleterious effects that would be imposed , or the burdens that would be imposed on domestic agriculture if we did n't , we do n't think that the fabric of the rural society could withstand the reversion to laissez faire in agricultural goods .
2 Virgin Group is expected to abandon its plan to run a train service in competition with British Rail ; the charges that would be imposed by British Rail would prevent the scheme from being commercially viable .
3 To put that off , she needed to make headway that would be noticed in the real world .
4 Because of the level of urbanization that would be created in in i i in the area .
5 The Regional Council refused planning permission for the development in November of last year , and among the reasons for refusal was the lack of justification for the commercial development , and the harm that would be caused to this particular part of the Green Belt .
6 I do not suppose that in every case it would be worth the trouble that would be caused to the taxing authorities if they were to inquire into every deposit account and find if the interest had been increased , unless it had been increased by a large amount .
7 The Government is therefore relying on the institutions to help guard against the problems that would be caused by any variations in regional demand from the small investor .
8 I can also tell the hon. Gentleman how many days would be lost as a result of the extra unemployment that would be caused by his party 's policies .
9 Is my right hon. Friend aware that in many parts of the Yorkshire and Humberside region unemployment is significantly lower than it was at the time of the previous election , and that what the regional CBI fears above all else is the havoc that would be caused by a Labour Government , with their commitment to a statutory minimum wage , which would wipe out so many jobs , and to the European Community social chapter , which would make British industry uncompetitive in world terms ?
10 According to the NRA , the net present value of the damage that would be caused by flooding , and hence the benefit accruing , has been calculated using a number of variables , and generally lies between £41 million and £69 million .
11 This is set out as follows : ( 2 ) Where a person has entered into a contract after a misrepresentation has been made to him otherwise than fraudulently , and he would be entitled , by reason of the misrepresentation , to rescind the contract , then , if it is claimed , in any proceedings arising out of the contract , that the contract ought to be or has been rescinded , the court or arbitrator may declare the contract subsisting and award damages in lieu of rescission , if of the opinion that it would be equitable to do so , having regard to the nature of the misrepresentation and the loss that would be caused by it if the contract were upheld , as well as to the loss that rescission would cause to the other party .
12 Even this type of housing , however , is not always allocated solely according to need and council tenants are expected to pay economic rents , i.e. rents that would be charged in the private market .
13 But this was different — a public event that would be attended by all the island big-wigs .
14 The amounts involved are often huge , well above any amount that would be covered by professional indemnity insurance .
15 The seller might wish to cancel the contract if it proves too difficult or costly to perform , but this is not a feature of the straightforward contracts that would be covered by the use of Precedent 1 .
16 activities that would be covered by I twelve , therefore if you removed I twelve you would require recalculation of the
17 I contracted from the local community unit a nursing team that would be led by general practitioners and would form a true practice based primary health care team .
18 There would also be a pop-up chip that would be replaced like a film . ’
19 But this fact alone would hardly entitle a beneficiary to execution in rem against a third party : to allow that would be to indulge in a breach of fundamental principle and equity .
20 The rule is justified by the burden that would be placed upon legal advisers and the uncertainty that would be introduced into the law if such historical materials had to be consulted .
21 Now , at Pac Bo , under Ho 's chairmanship , the Party cleared its ideological decks and prepared to take advantage of the even more extraordinary opportunities that would be presented to it by the Second World War .
22 Author A N Wilson has detailed the benefits that would be gained by handing over the royal palaces to a republican government .
23 This meant either working out very accurate tables of the movements of the moon or devising a chronometer which could keep time for a voyage of months or years without relying on a pendulum that would be disturbed by the rolling of the ship .
24 However , it is difficult to believe that sufficient quantities of suitable substances could have appeared at the Cytherean surface to mop up anywhere near the amount of oxygen that would be liberated from an Earth-like quantity of water .
25 It is the Union of the United Kingdom that would be breached by the sort of proposals that the Labour party identifies .
26 Will my hon. Friend confirm that he received representations from both the British Tourist Authority and the English tourist board about the damage that would be done to the industry by the restrictions on part-time working and on working hours which are so beloved of Labour ?
27 If the Minister were to detail the matters , he would strengthen his position in Europe by showing the massive discrimination and harm that would be done to the Scottish agricultural industry .
28 But if they were sold through a charity shop in the High Street that would be seen as a business . ’
29 It seems clear from the surviving images that emperors took interest in and approved the form of their portraits , particularly those that would be seen by many of their subjects on coins and statues set up in public places .
30 Original income calculated by arithmetic is not the original income that would be observed without government intervention .
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