Example sentences of "that if [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But to me the excitement of the job is so much that if something comes along , I do n't think twice .
2 Let me advise Council now , that if they proceed down this primrose path any further then it becomes a resignation issue for me and , I suspect , many others who can not believe this farrago .
3 You 'll need to get agreement from everyone that if they end up in the minority they will bide by the majority decision .
4 At the time of the lobby revolt , ‘ No one could have been in any doubt that if they went over to [ the rebel papers ' ] side , they would cook their goose with Number Ten . ’
5 But they 're worried that if they turn down the property they may not get another .
6 To some extent the technology people are to blame for being too optimistic but they realised that if they spelled out the true uncertainty ( even if they knew it ) there would have been no investment at all , In the end the project is abandoned or has become so expensive that it can never be profitable .
7 This includes a lower bed , so that if they fall out they should not hurt themselves .
8 This stressed-out poor performer is motivated by the fear that he or she is highly disposable , and that if they ease up on their workload the axe will fall .
9 change their mind , there must be there must be nine other posts that if they look round they could civilianise not I mean they have n't got to tell the public much it have they you still talk about the same amount of officers being civilianised .
10 In an article in today 's Mail on Sunday Dr Owen also warns Tory leaders that if they rule out coalition with the Liberal Democrats they could end 13 years in
11 ‘ It seems to me that if one sets up a quango and it spends 26% of the money disbursed on its own administration , that is a pretty high percentage . ’
12 In general terms this means that if one sets up a trust to accumulate income , and the settlor has not completely divested himself of the trust property , he will be chargeable to income tax on the trust income .
13 Yeah , and it was their tradition was it that if one turned up with a dirty
14 It is true that if one searches on can find some aspects in which the outer northern route is preferable to the inner northern route .
15 It is a matter of common experience that if one heats up a poker in a fire it glows red hot and emits radiation , but bodies at lower temperatures emit radiation too ; one just does not normally notice it because the amount is fairly small .
16 It 's simpler to obtain large amounts of it and one hopes that if one finds out something of the mechanism through this enzyme one would be able to apply it to other enzymes dependent upon the same coenzyme .
17 So that if somebody come in to call , they 'd pull this thing and then Mr or somebody would open the the sliding door and you see .
18 For the implication of his theory of power is that if we break out of the regime of sexuality then power will play through a new series of discourses .
19 Erm I think they knew that if we went back under his conditions , their days would be numbered certainly .
20 On this question of priorities here I understand that if we go along with local presses , to the housing corporation that this is a priority and then they , they can see to that make the money available when can we go along again with another priorities ?
21 ‘ The fact is , ’ wrote Clark himself on 15 August , ‘ that if we lose out in the Middle East , we shall be immediately destroyed . ’
22 It was pointed out that if we switched back to dual membership the administration involved would be horrendous .
23 ‘ You 're saying that if someone goes up from the North Pole , and keeps going in a dead straight line a really truly dead straight line — they will eventually come to the Earth — ahead of them ?
24 The Englishman told me that if someone came up to him in a queue he would punch him in the face .
25 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
26 Liverpool have got to play him against Middlesbrough and it is my belief that if someone comes in and does a turn for you , stick by them .
27 Well that have actually been told that if anything comes in providing This is what I ca n't get through We 've said to them you can bring your radios in but give to Brian first .
28 But the electric eel has another set of batteries that produce not steady low-voltage diction-finding transmissions but sudden massive shocks so strong that if you pick up such a fish without the insulation of rubber gloves and boots , it can throw you flat on your back .
29 I think that if you concentrate on really short term goals and practise things that are maybe a week away instead of a month away then you 'll gradually , slowly but surely , definitely improve .
30 The two pluses are books , thanks largely to Addison Wesley , thankfully decisively so and the oil services business and the only other item worth reflecting , I think worth er , remarking on , is in fact that if you take out the black hole effect er , the entertainment fall was only two million and I think that is a creditable performance .
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