Example sentences of "that he have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 He was n't about to tell the Yank that he 'd also been duped , that he 'd sat on the information for nearly twenty-four hours .
2 As he began another banquet in Japan , President Bush said he was fine , after his collapse yesterday , and that he 'd just been suffering from a flu bug .
3 He was a small man , bald and beady-eyed and turkey-necked , and only in retrospect could she see that he 'd probably been something of a mental case as well .
4 Glancing at the clock on the wall now , Rory realised to her amazement that he 'd only been in the farmhouse for three hours .
5 Damn it , he had n't meant to betray that he 'd never been able to forget that afternoon , and the sweet innocence that had touched something very deep within him .
6 Yeah well I thought they said in one of the papers that he 'd never been registered anywhere .
7 Ross was obviously still the same hard , tough personality that he 'd always been — never giving an inch in an argument , or showing any trace of the ordinary human weaknesses which affected everyone else .
8 Quite apart from her father 's permanent state of confusion and memory disorder , it seemed that he had also been possibly guilty of embezzlement .
9 I gathered from Anthony ( whom I saw later on Thursday ) that he had neither been asked for his advice nor had volunteered it .
10 Among them were those who were convinced that he had secretly been in league with the employers .
11 Now she saw that he had just been dealing with the easy , practical part first .
12 One day a child came home from Sunday School declaring that he had just been hearing about how Moses crossed the Red Sea with tanks and Bailey bridges .
13 Similarly , in the report of ‘ a sex beast nicknamed ‘ The Acne Kid ’ ’ ( Star ) , who boasted to the victim that he had just been freed from prison and said : ‘ I 've served time for rape before ’ , speculation about this possible link was scotched quickly .
14 ‘ Not too good , I 've heard , ’ said Greg , not adding that he had just been grilling the doctor who signed her second husband 's death certificate .
15 From over George 's shoulder stared the portrait of a general whose handling of an attack in the South African war had caused so many casualties to his own brigade that he had immediately been promoted away to see if he could do the same thing with divisions and corps .
16 It was rumoured that he had even been asked to Sandringham with his sketchbook , some time this coming autumn .
17 Apparently there had been yet another terrible scene when the old Doctor , his wits once more restored by salt and water , had discovered that he had again been disobeyed .
18 Judge then my feelings when the first face I was to see at Jo'burg airport was the self-same Second Secretary , delighted that he had again been honoured with an important secret mission .
19 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
20 The case went before the Bishop three times when John Heryng pleaded that he had already been accounted before auditors appointed by the Bishop and that the account was in possession of John Ie Baker , now churchwarden .
21 ( 14 May 1778 ) In the same letter Mozart informed his father that he had unofficially been offered the post of organist at Versailles which , if he were to accept , would mean spending six months of the year in Versailles and the remaining six months wherever he liked .
22 He told the details to an incredulous audience , although tactfully leaving out the part about Steinmark 's base habits , merely suggesting that he had probably been taking a short cut across the line .
23 When Ben was eventually found , in the Chapel House Estate , it was discovered that he had previously been looked after in a place called Jesmond .
24 The authorities ' earlier identification of Lembarek Boumaraaf as the assassin [ see p. 38981 ] was endorsed ; the commission confirmed that he had previously been known to be an Islamist sympathizer , but rejected as improbable the suggestion that he had acted alone .
25 His immediate discarding of the magazine at this point further supports the view that he had indeed been intentionally using the magazine to communicate his desire to go and see the live gorillas .
26 As soon as he confessed what he knew , fumbling the hideous admission as they came out of a rather good film about love that he had hardly been able to stand , she managed to make it seem that it was he , not she , who was the disturber of their lives .
27 He told me later that he had only been a guard for fifteen months , also that the normal takings on this section of the line were approximately £10 , so he was only too pleased to work out a 26% discount for a group booking that realised BR £77.35 from our party .
28 Praising Webster for his " integrity , effectiveness , and insight " , Bush stated that he had only been informed of the development on May 7 .
29 However , Lanovoi , a proponent of radical economic reform , claimed that he had only been brought into the Cabinet four months previously [ see p. 38828 ] " to create an impression that renovation was under way " .
30 When the press noted the change in tone , Hitler agreed that he had altered his stance , but only to the extent , he said , that he had earlier been too mild , and had realized while at work on Mein Kampf that the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was one not solely for the German people , but for all peoples , ‘ for Juda is the world plague ’ .
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