Example sentences of "that he [vb past] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , he was a glaciologist and it may well be that he persuaded the pilot to swin' away to the east .
2 Rizzo maintains no more than that it is possible that he wrote the poem .
3 It said , In this house ( and the ceramic of the plaque had broken and the name was missing ) stayed on his first visit to the city , and it was here that he wrote the opening pages of his greatest work .
4 Wordsworth tells us that he wrote The Prelude in order to give an account of the growth of his mind , which may help to account for the inclusion of some of the stranger incidents .
5 That he wrote the book of the Falcon ,
6 ( it 's regrettable that he wrote the letter ) he wrote the letter sadly
7 It seems fair to say , in fact , that the first thirty years of Proust 's life laid much of the intellectual basis for his later literary erm achievements , and it was incidentally also during the eighteen nineties , that , among other things , he obtained a , a Licence des lettres , that he attended Bergson 's lectures , that he discovered Ruskin , and that he wrote the bulk of nearly a thousand manuscript sheets discovered in an old hatbox after the last World War , and published as Jean Santeuil in nineteen fifty-two .
8 It was then that he heard the scream .
9 Sir Stafford had been searching all night and finally came so close that he heard the child crying :
10 He says that he heard the plane 's engine cut out .
11 He says that he heard the plane 's engine cut out .
12 A man who tempered sentiment with business sense , it was said of Guillaume that he revealed the price of a painting with the same air of awed reverence that he mentioned a woman 's age .
13 The fact was , that he made the journey ; shabby and penniless , he had to look up addresses of kinsfolk in English towns ; he had been robbed by con-men on board the ship , for Dad was a simple , trusting person , one might say , naive .
14 To return to Molla Fenari , one can not then determine with any certainty the date of his journey to Egypt since it is impossible to assert confidently which of the seemingly contradictory facts or sets of facts-Ibn Hajar 's statement that he made the journey in 778 , Taskopruzade 's statement that he went in company with Seyyid Serif , Taskopruzade 's association of Seyyid Serif 's arrival in Karaman with Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's death , and so on-deserves most weight , though perhaps the specific nature of Ibn Hajar 's date argues in its favour while , equally , the slight suspicion which always attaches to attempts to associate great figures of the past argues against the association of Molla Fenari and Seyyid Serif .
15 ‘ It is incredible that he made the mis-statement about Ohio other than wittingly and dishonestly . ’
16 I 'm very concerned that he made the accusation that the drug companies simply put these drugs on the market .
17 Faldo said at Wentworth yesterday that he made the decision because he feels he can not now finish at the top of the European order of merit by playing in Spain .
18 Not that he made the claim himself Mr Kilroy-Silk would readily acknowledge that he learned the egg trick from Mike Molloy , now editor of the Sunday Mirror , at a house party .
19 The uncertainty was fuelled further when Larne boss Gary Irwin admitted that he thought the goal had been disallowed for a foul on goalkeeper Graeme McConnell .
20 The champion jockey had been waving the whip in his left hand and when he put it down inside the last furlong , I must say that the clear impression from behind my glasses was that he thought the race was over .
21 He refused all these , ‘ not on the ground that he was not employed to go there , but on the basis that he thought the opportunity of earning overtime was not good ’ .
22 He told me this morning that he thought the boy had been working too hard . ’
23 The judge made it clear that he thought the complainant was the truthful witness and that the case should continue .
24 Harvey said later that he thought the decision had been harsh and added that there had been no warning given about time-wasting before the game , although he accepted that Tyson could have mentioned it to the players during the match , a fact confirmed by the referee as he left the ground .
25 He said that he thought the attack arose out of a personal dispute .
26 The head of Northend claimed that he thought the self-appraisal to be the most important aspect of the exercise for the school .
27 One morning he went so far as to say to Nikos that he thought the affair was now over .
28 He said that he thought the proposal could well be what they wanted and promised a definite decision within two days .
29 I remember that the very day that the surgeon told me that he thought the cancer was incurable , I saw the swifts returning to their annual nesting-place .
30 But Vergil 's presentation of the episode makes it clear that he thought the accusation had no validity and was merely an excuse for Hastings ' execution .
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