Example sentences of "that might [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 One obstacle that might stand in the way of the proposed merger is a personality clash between the strong-willed bosses of the two firms .
2 While not representing a complete list of provisions these sections map out the range of professional social work services which should become available at the local level to deal comprehensively with difficulties that might arise in the life of a young person .
3 Yet Martha was a woman of courage , and she succeeded nobly in satisfying her hungry lodgers with wholesome fare , and spreading for them sheets a prince might fold around him ; and though the body was often weak , the spirit was lively , and soon found a way whereby to mount with ease over any difficulty that might arise in the government of her household or the entertainment of her hospices .
4 v. Perry , 1987 F.L.R. 237 the court had to consider circumstances which differed from those in the present case and in Coldunell Ltd. v. Gallon in that a responsible official of the creditor bank took it upon himself to discharge any duty that might exist in the circumstances by personally dealing with the wife when she executed the documents under attack .
5 ‘ It 's all activity oriented contact which is a beginning to help to alter the preconceived ideas that might exist in the minds of the local community .
6 With this in mind , when considering situations where there are questions about very long term service lives , I suggest that current construction methods should not make it too difficult to incorporate any presently unthought of developments that might materialise in the future — be this in 20 or even 100 years time !
7 Traditionally , Alsace wines never see new wood , and the appellation laws clearly preclude anything that might get in the way of ‘ fruit plus terroir ’ .
8 Three things about myself that might get in the way of me being assertive are : Three things about myself that will help me reach my goals are :
9 His emotions were slotted into different compartments , and he locked up those that might get in the way of a safe drive back to the cottage .
10 They were trying to find any clues that might help in the investigation .
11 This is mainly because erm there are so many diverse services that might help in the erm general support and education of a special child that integration is necessary and that really one person should be keeping an eye on things , as it were .
12 It is the Department of Water and Drainage that co-ordinates the response to oil pollution events that might occur in the coastline and it is also responsible for the sewage disposal installations which are based on the coast .
13 Here are some examples of typical references that might occur in the body of your essay : ( Belsey 1980 ) ( = a general reference to the whole work )
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