Example sentences of "that could [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So we should not be dogmatic , and assume that the kind of life we have on Earth is the only kind that could exist in the entire Universe ; and ‘ living ’ clays may flourish elsewhere , perhaps even on Mars ( as suggested by Professor Hyman Hartman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) .
2 It eliminates white blood cells that could react against the body 's own normal cells .
3 As in any software , there are bits here and there that could do with a polish , but , overall , Mainlan GTI for Windows does everything you 're likely to want in a small network environment .
4 but normally I ca n't sleep here I al I always admired anybody that could sleep with a for yea it 's only this last couple of years I can do it , no I mean I 'll doze .
5 Hopes and expectations were high ; Britain was desperate for a car that could compete at the top level with Alfa Romeo and Ferrari , and BRM , with the backing of British industry , was the car to do it .
6 Although President Bush has been opposed to any such deal , Miami lawyers acting for Gen Noriega and leading US senators have been exploring the possibility of an agreement that could lead to a ceasefire and freedom for the American hostages .
7 Robert Bosch GmbH and Northern Telecom Ltd say they are in discussions that could lead to a 50-50 joint venture to develop , manufacture , and market transmission equipment — yes , Bosch 's main business is motor components , but we 're talking data transmission here — under the global CCITT standard , including Synchronous Digital Hierarchy systems : Northern Telecom says the deal would complements its strategic tie with Matra Communication SA .
8 Far from capitulating to this new thrust of American trade policy , Japan is taking a stand that could lead to a trans-Pacific confrontation .
9 Technically , the offence merited a written warning that could lead to a sacking .
10 I think I 'm making my point , I have been saying for some time now that given the fact that all that security has n't produced the results , the logic of that is dialogue , and when I see the opportunity as I saw it , of dialogue , direct dialogue with Mr Addams that could lead to a total cessation of this violence , I felt it was my duty to do so .
11 Rover is negotiating a deal that could lead to a factory being built in Siberia .
12 DYFED 'S chief fire officer , Ronnie King , urges those visiting the countryside not to leave the area littered with rubbish that could lead to a fire .
13 Thyssen , Krupp and Saarstahl AG are in talks that could lead to a merger of their troubled structural steel divisions .
14 Mr Christie 's complaint to the commission , the first of its kind over GCHQ 's activities , is the initial stage in a process that could lead to a full hearing by the European Court of Human Rights .
15 DOCTORS hope to announce an experiment next month that could lead to the use of animal organs for human transplants within the next five years .
16 But he added : ‘ There must be a better way of meeting those concerns than taking action that could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom . ’
17 British Telecom is planning more job cuts that could lead to the loss of 80,000 staff over five years , unions fear .
18 BP Nutrition , the food arm of the UK oil giant , is in talks that could lead to the Sarah Lee Corporation of Chicago acquiring its consumer food group .
19 The granting of patents on plants rewards a technology that could lead to the genetic pollution of nature , an outcome that is clearly not in the public interest .
20 Any political decision that could lead to the closure of either Devonport or Rossythe would also put the defence of this country at risk .
21 they become the high-risk seed money that could lead to the investment of private funds on a commercial basis ; and
22 Two witnesses have come forward with information that could lead to the killer 's arrest .
23 It is this attitude of institutionalized and traditional myopia that could lead to an annual monster Aid event , and the continuance , in slightly altered guise , of the Third World as helpless victim that we know and understand .
24 It would therefore be possible for a young school-leaver to begin acquiring qualifications that could lead in the end to gaining a technical degree qualification .
25 ‘ I forced myself to write a chapter or two about the good things he did : getting rid of dead wood in the bureau ; eliminating corruption among his agents ; setting up a fingerprint system , an FBI laboratory that could serve as a technical resource for police forces all over the country .
26 In America we 'd get like a column , and erm , but I think you could even do more , that the real life , the people , you know , is in the high street and the shopping malls and , you know , there 's a lot of kind of horoscope and gossip and stuff that could go into a paper that could be fun .
27 Few , if any voters are going to opt for a high-risk economic strategy that could result in a real cut in living standards .
28 All the authorities have twenty eight days to appeal that could result in the final cap being higher , lower or staying the same .
29 A series of appalling disasters in the public services , notably the Kings Cross underground fire and the rail crashes at Clapham and elsewhere underlined the damage that could result from the public sector being run down .
30 In contrast , a few people pointed out the disadvantages that could arise as a result of being disabled when interacting with patients or clients .
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