Example sentences of "that come [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 a sort of kit that came with a small bone
2 FLEXIPOP : Brilliant , ahead-of-its-time pop mag that came with a free flexi ( Blondie , The Jam , Adam And The Ants etc ) on the cover .
3 If the EEC were to acquire its own resources , then the organisation would lose the element of control over its spending that came with the existing system of national contributions : Hallstein could then argue that giving the European Parliament more authority would provide the necessary democratic control over the Commission .
4 It is not a desirable place to paint pictures in , inside the Cuiraing : the silence and the grandeur awes you ; and the sheep above where we stood had an uncomfortable habit of loosening with their feet stones that came with an ominous crash near to us , and some shepherd lads , much less excusable , thought it good fun to threaten to , and likewise to perform , throwing stones near us .
5 They started drinking before the parson ever arrived and , when he did , fell upon the beer kegs that came on the same cart as though they were men dying of thirst .
6 But they only had one goal to show for all that effort , that came on the half an hour from top goal scorer Martin Foyle .
7 There 's many factors , many factors , and I 'd like to pay congratulations to Councillor I think it was , or the member certainly that came to the Economic er Sub-committee that discussed the European report back because there we did have a proper discussion about the value of those trips .
8 Among the dream visions that came to the strange visitor to the Clydeside were ‘ The Spanish Military Nun ’ , ‘ The Revolt of the Tartars ’ , and ‘ On the knocking at the gate in Macbeth ’ .
9 His public interests were religion , politics and law ’ ; leading to ‘ In 1640 , on Thursday December the 28th , this Alexander Brodie was one of a party which included my ancestor , the Laird of Innes , that came to the grand old cathedral of Elgin and destroyed every object in it . ’
10 This was anticipated that there would be some add-on to the report that came to the last committee .
11 Brilliant and that came to the same as one quarter .
12 The four healthy children lay sound asleep , their breaths coming and going almost visibly in the light from the street lamp that came through the flowered cotton curtains .
13 In fact , as of July 1991 , only one concentration that was a merger in the traditional sense of the word , which was between two Japanese banks , had been notified to the Commission ; the rest were concerned concentrations that came within the wider definition .
14 He was planning on a shave and a slow , hot bath ; he might even throw in some of that stuff that Wayne had bought him for his birthday , that came in a dubious-looking novelty bottle shaped like a tiger 's head .
15 He had said that it was the duty of any chairman to refer an offer that came from a reputable source to his board and shareholders .
16 Best of all , perhaps , was his splendid spoonerism that came from an ambitious attempt to say of one player , ‘ He 's sticking out his bottom — like someone sitting on a shooting stick . ’
17 The howl of dissent that came from the entire room staggered me .
18 Suddenly the stillness was broken by a distressful wail that came from the other side of the square .
19 They were both so angry that they did not immediately see the movement that came from the old female 's shelter in the cage between them .
20 I suppose the ones that came from the old factory , you know were kept on and that
21 Global warming or any of the thousand other worries that come under the environmental heading may or may not have a sound scientific basis , but subjective judgement is still required to determine what priority to give them , and what rules , actions and expenditure are justified to relieve them .
22 Still , when it comes to the treatment of the frontiers of computing , the areas of advanced research that come under the general heading of ‘ artificial intelligence ’ ( AI ) , there is still a great deal sadly lacking .
23 This leaves non-meanings ; but non-meanings are a vast class , comprising logically most diverse elements and including a large sub-class of topics that come under the general heading of " fiction " .
24 That come to a different answer from all the others .
25 Secondly , any changes that come to the primary schools must come as a result of changes at the secondary level .
26 The reasoning behind that is that come from a lower class generally if you ca n't you know you ca n't go to a nursery school cos you have to pay for nursery school education in this country .
27 Basically the procedure involves monitoring biological signals that come from the central nervous system , the autonomic nervous system , the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system .
28 The church has other features too that come from the Moorish Spain of the Middle Ages : above all , the queer openwork stone screens that are set into the window embrasures , hewn crudely but winningly into geometric patterns .
29 The new ideas , that come from the grey area where energy and matter interchange , need new words , just as rough country needs Land-Rovers ; without the vocabulary , the traveller in new ideas is permanently aboriginal .
30 As a whole these wastes are estimated to have an energy equivalent of 21 million tonnes of coal , and government , industry and local authorities alike are very keen on obtaining energy from such cheap sources which are termed biofuels — fuels that come from an organic origin .
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