Example sentences of "that they had [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The then Interior Minister , Badr , on Dec. 21 accused religious extremists of having committed over 100 crimes of arson against shops and property , and attacks on mosques and churches , adding that they had turned some 25 mosques " into dens from which to launch their attacks against national security " .
2 Ted explained that they had uncovered more bones including the animal .
3 Cohen et al ( 1988 ) reported two case histories of runners who , unaware that they had conceived continued intense running regimes during the first and second trimesters of pregnancy ; both women had assumed their amenorrhoea was due to endurance training .
4 They won it for the outstanding service that they had given two clients , Comfort Cooling and PSA .
5 Anyway , he said that they had imposed this , and the Government could n't do anything about it .
6 A Foreign Ministry official admitted that a number of small bombs had exploded on Jan. 6 , but denied that they had caused any injury or damage .
7 Although they had only had a few hours , he was happy with what the squad had uncovered from newspaper cuttings and phone-calls — not that they had detected any connection with Nicola Sharpe .
8 They surrendered at Rome airport on Aug. 30 after receiving assurances they would not be deported to Ethiopia , where they claimed that they had suffered political persecution .
9 Belfast Crown Court heard that the couple 's six-year relationship had been stormy and that they had hit each other on numerous occasions .
10 In mid-October a breakthrough seemed imminent after senior trade officials from Canada , the EC , Japan and the USA , meeting in Ontario on Oct. 17-18 , claimed that they had made substantial progress in resolving the deadlock ( responsible for the suspension of an earlier round of talks between US and EC officials in Brussels on Oct. 11-12 ) .
11 they did not feel that they had made any substantial contribution to the report ;
12 The appeal committee refer especially to the personal difficulties urged by Mr. Choudhury and in the last sentence state expressly that they had balanced such personal hardships against the prejudice to efficient education mentioned in section 6(3) ( a ) .
13 It was less than a year ago , though it seemed far longer , that they had kept each other company at Ockham House during the long bleak hours it had taken Mary Ladram to die .
14 Winston phoned me back within an hour to say that he had spoken to Harriman , that Harriman had spoken to the State Department , that they had dispatched two telegrams — one to Pretoria and one to Cape Town , the places between which the governmental functions are divided — and that in addition he himself had sent a telegram to the Prime Minister of South Africa , signed by the not unimpressive name of Winston Churchill .
15 While they were walking back from the Huddersfield discotheque , it suddenly dawned on Fred and Arthur that they had eaten three main meals that day instead of two .
16 Thus while first-class patronage was encouraged , and more businessmen complained bitterly that they had to go first-class in order to enjoy their British breakfast , more humble individuals who merely wanted to enjoy the view from the train were not so generously treated .
17 Controversy over the recent securities scandal [ see pp. 38913 ; 38967 ; 39008 ; 39053 ; 39099 ] intensified after three foreign banks implicated in the affair admitted , in evidence before a joint parliamentary committee investigating the scandal [ see p. 39053 ] , that they had contravened Indian banking regulations .
18 Tonight , police emphatically denied that they had ignored any warnings.Chris Moore reports .
19 He opened his eyes quickly , unaware until then that they had fallen shut .
20 New points in the revised announcement 47 from the OPB include additional stress on the need for trustees to have considered all the options and the application should demonstrate that this has been done ; that they had sought independent legal advice ‘ from lawyers who do not advise the company on such matters ’ ( the OPB does not regard another partner in the same firm as ‘ independent ’ ) and the OPB would find it ‘ helpful ’ to see copies of correspondence between them ; and specific details of the information sent to members which should be contained in the application .
21 Other speakers seemed to be relatively exposed to standardizing mainstream influences , in that they had contracted few personal ties which were likely to exert normative pressure on their behaviour ; but in any case the geographical spread of the ties contracted by most Braniel speakers made them difficult to investigate .
22 The yew trees in the Grove were dark green and so old that they had grown twisted and lumpy , like arthritic fingers .
23 Pascoe did n't ask about the people , but he guessed that they had grown angry waiting for the debt to be paid .
24 Trading standards officers in Strathclyde and Lothian regions yesterday reported that they had received dozens of queries over the offer .
25 If they had now become dangerous , the only plausible explanation is that they had received significant new support .
26 If they had now become dangerous , the only plausible explanation is that they had received significant new support .
27 But the advisers subsequently admitted that they had based this estimate solely on figures supplied by British Telecom .
28 It was an American teaching method that , Frank insisted , allowed students to progress through the stages of education confident that they had grasped all the basics of one stage before going on to the next .
29 Other UN inspectors in Baghdad have extended their stay beyond the planned departure yesterday , after saying that they had gathered fresh information on Iraq 's ballistic missile programme .
30 It was also indicative of an air of fatalism hanging over Conservative Central Office , a feeling that they had answered all the questions on the examination paper without doing themselves justice and were now awaiting the marks with trepidation .
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