Example sentences of "that they [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 The likelihood , indeed , is that they would have been repeated and rehearsed many times ( 'now that 's a very good point you 're making there — I wonder if you could conceivably contrive to put it a little more precisely' ) .
2 Aung San and his supporters were demanding full independence , but I happened to know that they would have been content , possibly even pleased , to be granted Dominion status .
3 Previously , my close relationships would have been with people where we would perhaps be living together or just lovers , but they would have been quite explicit that they would have been non-monogamous .
4 ( This should not be taken to mean that such psychopathological trends could not appear in individuals before the coming of cultivation or delayed-return hunter-gathering , merely that they would have been much less common and could not have taken on the collective , cultural significance which they did in the Neolithic and subsequent epochs . )
5 Even if intellectuals outside the government had been agreed on the way forward , it is unlikely that they would have been successful in generating widespread enthusiasm for their opinions .
6 Furthermore , if the members of the harmonie rustique were moving around the stage as part of the spectacle , it seems much less likely that they would have been changing instruments picking up a flute for one number , a bassoon for another than they might have done had they been playing from a pit .
7 Erm , on the basis that they should be put back into the position that they would have been had there been no breach .
8 Not available on h , housewives , unless they can prove that they would have been in employment , would have been , erm , that they will have been
9 They were so still that they might have been made of granite .
10 What remains is regret , a persistent idea that they might have been happy in the homeplace , if only they could have survived there .
11 Early observers who saw otters surfacing with abalones noticed that the abalone shells were often damaged , suggesting that they might have been removed by force .
12 The ninety acres of entrancing if formalized beauty of the park , crossed by paths so convenient that they might have been purposefully designed to lead from one centre of power to another , must , he thought , have heard more secrets than any other part of London .
13 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
14 Worried that they might have been dragged into the tanker war in the Gulf , they bought intermediate-range missiles from China in May .
15 Worried that they might have been dragged into the tanker war in the Gulf , they bought intermediate-range missiles from China in May .
16 It was so wet and cold that they might have been walking in the sea , but she did not seem to notice .
17 For Foucault , the tendency of theories of ideology to entrammel themselves in the categories of psychoanalysis , even with the eternal in Althusser 's case , means that they themselves begin to utilize the very procedures of individuation that they ought to have been analysing .
18 They not infrequently turn for some answers to the religion that they may have been introduced to in the past but have long since rejected .
19 Other dinosaurs , namely the duckbilled hadrosaurs — herbivorous versions of T. Rex — were found with fossilized ribs that frequently revealed healed breaks , hinting that they may have been involved in fights or in ritualized trials of strength in which their massive hind feet were used .
20 It is now believed that they may have been written for a subscription concert series in 1788 — the ‘ Casino ’ series mentioned in a letter to Puchberg , which may have taken place in the autumn .
21 Their family fears that they may have been tortured to death or extrajudicially executed , or that they are still being held in incommunicado detention .
22 The fact that the thieves confined their attention to the Early Cycladic display case , ignoring many other important works , suggests that they may have been stealing to order something which is a matter of concern to museum staff and archaeologists in Greece .
23 If you are buying from a friend it may be worth obtaining an independent assessment in order to avoid the risk of either side feeling that they may have been unfairly treated .
24 Similar torcs were worn by the deities , like those represented on the Gundestrup cauldron ( fig. 30 ) , and it is possible that they may have been used to dress wooden idols .
25 Stoddart quotes a great number of opinions on this subject : it seems that some authorities think that they may have been caused by a fall in sea level which meant that the reef flat became a barrier to water movement , so that surf became channelled down the outer edge of the algal ridge as it returned to the sea ; alternatively the spur and groove system may be the most effective form of baffle for dissipating wave energy and is caused by reef-building corals forming the spurs — the grooves , once formed , may of course be accentuated by scouring .
26 As silica is only mobilised in strongly alkaline environments and as gypsum and other soluble salts occur in the underlying zone of weathering , it is suggested that they may have been formed in an arid environment .
27 Sufficient examples are now known , sometimes in association with religious precincts or else with significant concentrations of third- and fourth-century coins , to suggest that they may have been more widespread .
28 In Nigeria , saplings occupied by Pachysima aethiops have more leaves and branches and less attack than those without but , because the few larger workers have a ferocious sting and the habit of dropping from the crown , it is suggested that they may have been effective against large browsing mammals too ; the ants also attack nearby plants and keep the host 's leaves clear of debris and epiphyllae .
29 Thus , where substantial quantities of the same material equipment or products are discovered , archaeologists tend to assume that they must have been produced by the same people .
30 That fact alone makes it clear that they must have been preceded into the air by other vegetarian forms which , judging from the primitive nature of their anatomy , were probably cockroaches , grasshoppers , locusts and crickets .
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