Example sentences of "that he [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His cramped room in the Decrucq house , that he shared at night with two small children , was no good for his art work .
2 The real reason was that he felt at ease ; he was no longer a figure of fun or an eyesore , he had a place — just as he did at first with Sien .
3 I can tell you that he lived at number forty-one I think , yes forty- one if , if you know if you want any confirmation , that is correct .
4 He gossips about the weather and American football , recalls that he played at school and in the Army , and was a big follower of the game .
5 The theological answer is that He feels at home anywhere because He is at home everywhere .
6 It was perhaps as a member of Gloucester 's retinue that he fought at Bannockburn in June 1314 , where Gloucester was killed ; and his performance in the battle , for which he was later rewarded with land worth 100 marks a year , may have brought him to Edward II 's notice .
7 He says that he worked at Emma 's request to produce a record of the deeds which touched upon the honour of her and hers , and the oldest surviving manuscript , which is very close to the author 's original , may be the copy she received : it contains a miniature which shows an ecclesiastic presenting a book to a woman while two figures , presumably her sons Harthacnut and Edward , look on .
8 Her wakefulness was dogged by growing anxiety over the day ahead ; had her mother told Jennifer that David was back in the country , that he worked at OBEX ?
9 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
10 If he had given the speech that he gave at Bayeux in June 1946 a year earlier , he could have turned the October 1945 referendum and elections into a referendum on his own views .
11 Indeed , it is not difficult to understand Lanfranc 's impatience with all that he found at Canterbury .
12 Regan favours the quality of ‘ intrinsic value ’ , a concept that he treats at length .
13 The conditions were that he resides at Handley Green , Laindon , reports daily to Laindon police station and does not enter Clacton .
14 He made it clear that he stayed at La Tour Monchauzet because the vines needed him — and because he was sure that one day — somehow — Isabelle would return to him , and he had to be here — waiting . ’
15 This required taking such steps as arranging the candidate 's schedule so as to ensure that he arrived at campaign stops in time for coverage on the nightly news .
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