Example sentences of "that he [verb] [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Wilson identified with his father , to the extent of wanting to have genital , genital contact with him , since Wilson saw his father as the author of all his skills , his strength and all that he 'd been grateful for .
2 When Pat told me that he 'd been pleased with what I 'd said on Day to Day I felt better ; I could n't have coped with his disapproval as well .
3 He 'd told them once that he 'd been married .
4 He knew that he 'd been close , but then somehow it had all slipped away from him ; when Alina had n't come out and the three of them had finally gone into the building , it was to find incomprehension from the woman who lived alone and an empty flat where she said she 'd gone for help .
5 Even Roquelaure 's omission to tell him that he 'd been involved in setting up the deal with Iran seemed less mysterious as the Métro train cruised beneath the Paris streets .
6 " I saw him just before nine and I thought then that he 'd been dead about twelve hours , perhaps a little longer .
7 If someone had told him that he 'd been angry a moment before , he would 've denied it .
8 He 's great , he came round very soon with a lot of dignity — he just accepted that he 'd been wrong .
9 It was at that moment , Ronni thought later , that Guido made up his mind that he 'd been wrong in associating Jeff with the disappearance of his speedboat .
10 Simon was convinced , or persuaded himself , that he 'd been ill used by Constanza , that their marriage had been a mistake , a youthful mistake , the kind of thing one did in a war .
11 She 'd reassure him over and over that she was fine , she was safe , there was nothing for him to worry about , and Ashdown would then ring Joe and pass along anything new or helpful that he 'd been able to pick out of the conversation .
12 That being an impossible expectation , I went off on a tack and remarked that he 'd been lucky , as a politician , that he was also a natural entertainer .
13 He had n't had to suffer as much as her — I do n't so much mean that , like fishes , his pain threshold was higher than a human being 's ( although I do n't doubt that was the case ) as that he 'd been aware that his son was missing for a shorter period than his wife .
14 At the Court of Appeal today , Rachael 's solicitor explained that he 'd been frightened of losing the children , and that for several weeks before the killing he 'd been taking medication for depression .
15 He knew he had done nothing , knew beyond suggestion 's reach that he had been innocent of action as well as intention .
16 Within six days , on 3 May 1862 , the young boy died , Benjamin declaring as he applied for a certificate that he had been present at the death .
17 On Aug. 15 , 1990 , Martin Kirchner , general secretary of the CDU , was suspended from office as a result of allegations that he had been one of the most senior paid informers of the Stasi .
18 In a reflective article for the February 1991 issue of Life magazine , Atwater admitted that he had been one of the " most ardent practitioners " of negative campaigning tactics as manager of Bush 's 1988 presidential election campaign against Michael Dukakis .
19 She told her brother that he had been one of the lucky ones , blown up by a land-mine , and only lost a toe — not even a big one , she teased .
20 He did n't say so , but it was evident that he had been successful in the sheepdog trials , because he was unusually cheerful and forthcoming and he seemed quite jubilant to meet them there .
21 He would pretend — for he always had his excuses well marshalled in preparation for any surprise attack of questioning — that he had been disinclined to stop because of the stone 's unnaturalness resulting from Mr Pocklington 's enthusiastic enterprise in housing an old woman there whose hand — for a fee — you could shake under the stone .
22 However , on his return to Hong Kong on April 8 he indicated to reporters that he had been unsuccessful in his attempt to win Chinese approval for the project .
23 Meanwhile Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke last night received an apology from ITN for claiming that he had been late for yesterday 's wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph .
24 ‘ Ca n't be at home for ever , ’ he had said , feeling it was unfair , and that he had been due something for working .
25 The continued silence about him gave rise to new rumours about his health and mental condition , and that he had been relieved of his duties by Himmler and Goebbels .
26 The fact that he had been unaware that there was a problem at all , and that people had grievances they felt unable to air to him privately , was , perhaps , a measure of him losing touch since moving office to the houseboat .
27 Castro subsequently admitted that he had been opposed to the removal of the missiles , and his adamant refusal to allow US inspections to be carried out on Cuban territory ( despite Soviet pressure ) testifies to the anger and resentment that he felt over the fact that matters which vitally affected Cuban sovereignty were settled without his knowledge or consent .
28 I have a feeling that he had been married but I do not know what happened .
29 The GP said that Peter had been to see her many times in the two years that he had been married , with small ailments that seemed to be stress-related .
30 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
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