Example sentences of "that we [vb base] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 In his footnote to Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind , J. S. Mill says that it is not ‘ the individual and instantaneous impressions ’ that an object produces in us that we predicate of the object .
2 On some nights one can see so many of these popularly-called shooting stars that we speak of a star or meteor shower .
3 Asked one angry betting shop punter : ‘ Why is it only afterwards that we hear of a betting coup ?
4 The highest requires that we think of the international system as a set of norms or purposes which shape the process of history .
5 It is on this account that we talk of the baby 's right to life , much as we would of a normal adult .
6 For all those who sit on European committees , the CAP is the main criticism that we have of the Community 's work .
7 The texts that we have of the whole Canterbury Tales are made up of a number of fragments or groups , which vary in contents from single isolated tales to sequences of several tales connected by link passages .
8 And the , the incredible er spectacle that we have of the endless three , four , five hundred page biography is based on no evidence at all , because we know very very little about this man , except that he was a shareholder in the theatre , a very very minor actor , the sort yes , who would have minded the costumes .
9 It is from Boswell that we learn of the height of nun Can , Raasay 's peak on which he danced a Highland reel with old Malcolm Macleod who called him between five and six in the morning to go walking .
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