Example sentences of "that we [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The reader should check that P1/T2 remains optimal for and that we pivot in the x 1 -column when 0 = ⅙ and the s 1 -column when θ = - .
2 The sort of things that we cover in the er er code of practice for charging to clients which are outside this .
3 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
4 Erm , and I feel very strongly , and I urge members to consider that we should support this as a matter of principle , to help er , that group of our society , I me , I was going to suggest an amendment that we ask for the average age of this council erm ,
5 I want it to have the money for the investment that it needs to build the phone service that we require for the 1990s .
6 In his footnote to Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind , J. S. Mill says that it is not ‘ the individual and instantaneous impressions ’ that an object produces in us that we predicate of the object .
7 It is only at this point that we come to the central theme , the reason why all those who wish to understand the problem of drugs in sport should read this book .
8 And it is here that we come to the nub , theoretically , of the problem with Adorno 's whole approach to listening Dick Bradley ( n.d. ) points out that within a Marxist framework production and consumption can not properly be given the near-identity which Adorno attributes to them .
9 This paradox about being able to predict one 's actions is closely related to the problem I mentioned earlier : Will the ultimate theory determine that we come to the right conclusions about the ultimate theory ?
10 That 's one of the reasons why it is important that we come around the Lord 's table .
11 I think it 's this weekend that we go to the fire station .
12 What we are actually going to do today is to look using this data , is to look at structural stability , right , we 're going to ask ourselves are the parameters that we estimate over the entire sample , are they constant over time .
13 But essentially all these tests do the same thing because they 're seeing whether the parameters that we estimate over the entire sample are robust over all sub-samples , right , we ca n't , we would n't bother testing over all sub-samples though we can do , it 's just if we have good reason to believe that behaviour in one sub-sample different for behaviour in another E G use er Chow test or equivalently a dummy variable on the intercept to see whether there was any change .
14 This can be achieved by ensuring that we fall within the exemption contained in Section 60(1) of the Companies Act , which states that an offer or invitation is not to be treated as made to the public ‘ if it can properly be regarded , in all the circumstances , as not being calculated to result , directly or indirectly , in the shares or debentures becoming available for subscription or purchase by persons other than those receiving the offer or invitation , or otherwise as being a domestic concern of the persons receiving and making it ’ .
15 Later decades have seen other organizations use the term so that we speak in the twentieth century about the trade union ‘ movement ’ or the ‘ peace movement ’ ; we seldom think to describe the Conservative Party , the Confederation of British Industry or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as ‘ movements ’ .
16 To demonstrate , then , that prices are inflexible in the sense that we mean in the remainder of this chapter , it has to be established that the price may deviate from its equilibrium value over a given interval .
17 Now it happens all the time , and there is absolutely no way at all with the best will in the world , and I 'm sure that we all mean it , that we get on the phones at nine o'clock , and we get on the phones at eleven o'clock , you just do n't work like that .
18 It is vital that we get across the fact that under the reforms in the NHS we can now set proper standards of care throughout the country .
19 It ca n't bother her Bev because the amount of noise that we get through the walls is so bad and she 's in it , she 's actually there with the animals barking , so she takes no notice whatsoever of them
20 The services that we get from the public sector affect all our lives and cost a great deal of money .
21 Some of us though , working at the ground , grass roots ma may not know that it goes on , and er , I would just like to take this opportunity of stressing how important it is to , that we communicate within the United Kingdom , and er , support Nigel 's er , suggestion that it would be useful to have a base down here .
22 by the er Trading Association , it seems to me to be quite a sensible charter , and er I propose that we write to the Association saying this is very good and can we get it
23 Can I have your agreement that we write to the director of housing and ask for his position on it ?
24 We would ask the reader to bear in mind from the outset , however , that we write from the viewpoint of the English urban sub-culture , in which we are not only fieldworkers and observers but life members ; nevertheless , we believe that the English and American complexes of parental experience show very many points of coincidence , both historically and contemporaneously , both in the things that parents do and in the reasons for which they do them : and that , therefore , a discussion in these terms will have a validity for parent-child behaviour on both sides of the Atlantic .
25 The contrast is striking , and can not be dismissed as irrelevant to the social and other problems that we confront in the last decade of our century .
26 We have described the policies that we advocate as the ’ ethics of community ’ — as something that calls on what is best and most generous in the human spirit .
27 Of course the inspectorate is highly respected in Wales , but the hon. Gentleman will know that it was never geared to carry out inspections with the frequency that we expect will result from the provisions of the Education ( Schools ) Bill and that we envisage in the parents charter .
28 certainly prior to the nineteen ninety two legislation erm in relation to what was er the was er required application but as you see since nineteen ninety two legislation , that petition was changed erm and in terms of the resolutions , we suggest that recognise the people concerned Hertfordshire and that they are taking into account the applications erm that we continue to work basically with H M I pollution aspects and that we respond to the Department of the Environment er expressing our concerns er er erm way in which er consultation has changed and in fact us .
29 It is against this background that we turn to the mathematics curriculum and ask what mathematics is relevant to real life .
30 It is to such practical questions that we turn in the final chapter .
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