Example sentences of "that it can only [be] " in BNC.

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1 Many people are worried that it can only be used for the disable person .
2 It had become increasingly clear over the last few days that the anger of East Germans is focused on the Communist Party and that it can only be a question of time before the party has to relinquish its leading role and allow political competition .
3 In the past week , it happens , we have heard intelligent and well-meaning whites talking in apocalyptic terms about the problem of the black underclass — that it can only be solved by draconian measures of enshrining abortion or taking children away from mothers .
4 Although there is much to support this view of the origin of our modern idea of time , it is now realized that it can only be adhered to with some reservations , as we shall see .
5 The receiver is so powerful that it can only be a matter of a minute or two at the outside before the signal is received .
6 The one drawback potential buyers face is that it can only be parked on a registered site , such as a caravan park , or on land of your own .
7 Carew Hunt , who was an authority at the Foreign Office on international communism and who wrote The Theory and Practice of Communism , argues that it can only be understood in religious terms .
8 The release included statements that ‘ the discovery will be relatively easy to make into a usable technology for generating heat and power ’ ; and that ‘ this generation of heat continues over long periods and is so large that it can only be attributed to a nuclear process ’ .
9 Some writers , as we have seen , are suspicious of unanimity on the grounds that it can only be , or is at least most likely to be , the product of either manipulation from above or the coercive pressure of majority opinion on the rest , or of a combination of both of these .
10 A principle of continuity which is ‘ inscribed ’ in such a way that it can only be established by breaking into it , but which nothing can interrupt or change !
11 I would add that it can only be Linguistics-based , and that successful professional experience as a teacher , however desirable , is not in itself a sufficient preparation for lecturing and organising responsibility .
12 It is certainly worth taking advantage of the Use-Wysiwyg command on the Services menu but notice that it can only be used in SHEET mode .
13 Balling claims that the overall contribution from desertification caused by human activity is around 0.013 degrees per year , but admits that it can only be a significant factor for about 15 per cent of the Earth 's surface .
14 The most difficult question is what to do with the beef mountain , created , in the words of one senior Commission official , by a process which ‘ takes the best beef , freezes it and so destroys it , with the result that it can only be sold to people who can not afford it . ’
15 We believe that it can only be in our interests that they get it right .
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