Example sentences of "that it [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Implicitly , the Government was saying that it knew what the problems were , and how they could be tackled .
2 In effect , what The Times was saying was that it knew what the ‘ real ’ stories were and that only dictators prevented such stories from being told .
3 and then they informed me that it was out of stock so I wrote them rather a a polite letter saying that it took them a long to realize it was out of stock when it had been ordered in March and erm I thought their communi communicative system in their office was er non existent .
4 The sea was such a mess that it took him a few moments to be sure of the reef .
5 It contained four sheets of paper closely covered in unfamiliar handwriting , and it was a measure of how relaxed he was that it took him the best part of a minute to realise that he was holding a copy of the letter written by Ruggerio Miletti to his family three days previously .
6 The music they played gradually grew familiar to Alice ; it was music for the violin , the famous Violin Concerto , and it sounded very strange on the flute and guitar , so strange that it took her a moment or two to recognize it .
7 Ironically , it was so bitter that it made him a liability to the early Fascist movement , from whose main body he was later to break away .
8 But what makes this machine really special is that it offers you the chance to create an unlimited range of embroidery designs .
9 Albert smiled at her but so sadly that it brought her no comfort .
10 I find this emphasis generally correct in that it describes what the anorexic girl believes to lie in store for her as a woman : a passive role , a position of helplessness , a loss of self .
11 Although Landry makes clear that the shoe does not always fit , this sort of approach , as suggested above , is dangerous in that it shapes what a scholar is willing to see .
12 Two , our institute has its own hall and as this is now about seventy years old and was not particularly well built in the first place , you will understand that it costs us a good deal in money and effort to literally keep the roof over our heads .
13 ‘ All I know is that it cost me a lot of money to learn . ’
14 I 've told you that it gives me a terrific edge in any sale where Kemp 's a bidder .
15 The only trouble is that it gives me an American accent .
16 This dietician saying that the architect w wants to know all about endoscop what it involves , so that it gives him an idea as to what is about .
17 What she most relishes about no longer having to worry about where the money to pay the rates is coming from is that it gives her the freedom to be creative .
18 The definition is adopted , of course , not merely for the reason that it gives us a further explanation of the difference between causal items and their effects .
19 If you are stuck in a boring job , concentrate on the fact that it is providing money for your needs and your pleasures and that it gives you a measure of independence .
20 Try a recording in which the camera looks at the class the whole time so that it gives you the teacher's-eye view .
21 I believe that day implanted in me a life-long craving for barbaric splendour , for savagery and colour and the throb of drums , and that it gave me a lasting veneration for long-established custom and ritual , from which would derive later a deep-seated resentment of Western innovations in other lands , and a distaste for the drab uniformity of the modern world .
22 Their reaction was so encouraging that it gave me the strength to carry on .
23 Bacteriologists immediately recognised that it gave them a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary processes governing bacterial resistance — as a synthetic antibiotic it could not be influenced by preexisting resistance genes .
24 I 'm sure she enjoyed it and that it gave her a purpose in life .
25 I guess that it gave her a sense of independence and allowed her personality , which was fairly dominant , to develop .
26 She loved Nick , loved him so much sometimes that it gave her a pain , but she hated to be told to do something she was going to do anyway .
27 Another experience was when he was praying before the crucifix in San Damiano and it seemed to him that it gave him the message , " Build my church " , which he immediately interpreted quite literally as , " Save this church from crumbling into ruins " .
28 His main diversion was music , which ‘ did relieve his drooping spirits , compose his distracted thoughts and raised his weary soul so far above the earth , that it gave him an earnest of the joys of heaven ’ .
29 So it 's a very great honour and privilege for me to address you today because at the end it may be difficult for you to understand but when I return to South Africa , and forgive me for speaking personally I also realize the full meaning of the support of British trade unions and the labour movement and the churches because it was because of your political material and particularly in the case of the G M B , financial and material support that it gave us the means to do what some of us wanted to do about our country and our situation , and bring about change if we could peacefully .
30 Erm it was felt that it warranted something a lot stronger than that .
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