Example sentences of "that have been taken [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
2 Criteria for inclusion of patients were ( i ) a new pulmonary infiltrate seen on a chest radiograph that had been taken on or within 24 h of admission and ( ii ) one of these features : cough , temperature greater than 37.8°C , or subjective dyspnoea .
3 He said there was a protest movement , similar to that among American Indians , which had had some small success in winning back some of the lands that had been taken over .
4 Usually they were ordinary cooking herbs that had been taken out of their original packaging , so visitors are advised to any herbs in their original jars or boxes .
5 He said that on Donna Simpkin 's death , mantack stood to get £90,000 from a life insurance policy that had been taken out just days before the killing .
6 The idea is among those that have been taken over successfully into the theory of evolution by John Maynard Smith , who has shown why the evolutionarily stable strategy in a given situation may not be the strategy that would bring most benefit to every individual — the catch being that the only way all individuals could benefit from the best possible strategy , is for all to agree to pursue that strategy .
7 Erm , but , having been supported by each chief officer and general manager , you will see in paragraph eleven of the report , the various actions that have been taken over the last twelve months or so , and I would like to pick out particular the fact , that chief officers are now , operating or required to have effective arrangements for achieving equal opportunity in employment in their department or unit .
8 And forest , if it is left to recover , will in fact recover fairly well , probably with slightly fewer of the species that have been taken out , but the same sort of diversity of tree cover , and of fauna and flora , because in fact you 're taking very little out when you 're logging alone .
9 They 're all covered with smoke and grime left over from before they passed the Clean Air Bill , and the only place that might once have looked good is the Methodist Chapel at Southwark that 's been taken over by Fundamentalists .
10 number six er what this is basically saying is we want to do two point history structural maintenance erm fire drill but anything that 's been taken out of this budget in that area , we should replace by from that .
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