Example sentences of "that have been [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 Those who stress reversal see the process as one that has been led from the top , using the need to accommodate the reforms to Japan 's particular social system in order to legitimate the changes .
2 In practice this often meant that immature minds would take over Leavis 's own evaluations without relating them to their own experience of literature , resulting in the diffusion of callow or inept judgements that has been condemned from the right by C. S. Lewis and from the left by Catherine Belsey .
3 I endorse everything that has been said from both sides of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed .
4 The Association is grateful for the help and advice in connection with the Storrington scheme that has been received from Orbit Housing Association .
5 It is no good knocking local authorities — we have only to consider the figures to see the massive amount that has been removed from rate support grant while the number of elderly people has increased .
6 Moreover , almost everyone already has a firm mental picture of the American police that has been acquired from a lifetime 's film- and television-viewing .
7 The volume of government activity has therefore become a passive residual in a planning cycle that has been reduced from five to three years .
8 The photograph opposite shows a tapestry design that has been reproduced from the pressed flower picture that stands beside it .
9 An important lesson that has been learnt from the Beck case is that it is time for art historians to stop standing by in cowardice and make responsible evaluations of the restoration techniques used .
10 There is a world of difference between ham that has been sliced from the bone or cut from a joint on a machine and the pre-packaged wet and tasteless substance that so many people believe to be ham .
11 If German experience is anything to go by , initial public wariness will be replaced by warm approval , as residents come to appreciate the manifest advantages of living in a residential area that has been reclaimed from domination by the car .
12 The instinctive , the , the er everything that has been excluded from consciousness .
13 But more often the allocation of billets reflected social relations and deferential attitudes in rural society , as when , according to one MP , at Inverary in Scotland 150 women and children were housed in a cold hall , with bedding of dirty mattresses and sacks of straw ‘ with a broad arrow on them , that had been obtained from the local jail ’ , while near by the Duke of Argyll 's castle was left uninhabited .
14 He thought of the latrine and the T-junction of a water-main pipe , and a hole that had been carved from the snow and frozen earth , and a screw top cover that was lagged at night , and a place that was in shadow from the arc lamps of the perimeter fences .
15 ‘ It was some of the WIN files that had been withdrawn from the Registry — the dossiers cross-referenced from Mills ’ personnel file . ’
16 ‘ Although only heaven or more probably hell knows why I must , ’ he murmured unevenly , apparently as an addendum to the words that had been dragged from him just before he kissed her .
17 They crossed M Street and kept going and in a doorway she snatched off the wig and beret and rammed them into the shoulder bag that had been expanded from the purse she had been carrying before .
18 He went on to quote the response that had been received from editors :
19 Capron had even provided the gun that had been fished from the pond on the heath .
20 There was a rough railway that had been built from the plant to an almost worked-out pit .
21 David Pannick , QC , for Continental , told the judge the case raised a matter of general public importance concerning the powers of a Secretary of State to restrict reception of satellite broadcasting programmes that had been transmitted from other European Community member states .
22 She would give to it all that had been withheld from her , pour out her infinite capacity to love knowing that for certain this time it would be needed and valued .
23 And also er letters that had been sent from head office .
24 Her Majesty has honoured the Works by visiting it on three occasions , the first on 11 March 1948 as Princess Elizabeth , when she toured the Works and inspected the two new saloons that had been converted from two ex-Chairman 's Saloons ( built Wolverton 1942 ) for the personal use of herself and the Duke of Edinburgh .
25 Published eventually in five volumes on fossil mammalia , mammalia , birds , fish , and reptiles , respectively , the Zoology , openly claimed for science some of the many new species that had been named from the Beagle 's collection .
26 The ‘ piecemeal ’ entry of the former colleges of education and some other colleges which had not previously secured polytechnic status was not quite along lines that the Robbins Committee had proposed , but the picture of higher education that had been developing from the early 1960s was now broader and more complex .
27 It was sexual excitement — an element that had been missing from her life for too long .
28 In the pre-unified past , Sotheby 's sold , without a peep of protest , a Pater and Lancret that had been looted from Potsdam ( The Art Newspaper , No. 1 , October 1990 , p. 1 ) ( subsequently reacquired ) , and negotiated with the Kupferstichkabinett , Berlin-Dahlem , in the sale of drawings from the Theodor Allan Heinrich estate , some of which had been looted .
29 Goods that had been imported from the Continent may then have become powerful social tools by their redistribution through the social system , and in this way they form part of the subject of internal exchange .
30 ‘ I remember a border collie that had been stolen from outside a shop where he 'd been tied .
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