Example sentences of "that have [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 High Court grants permission for full trial of solicitor accused of negligence over £4m will after six-year wrangle that has tied legal profession in knots Milestone in brother 's ‘ crusade for justice ’ .
2 Despite the importance of the above influences , it is the impact of advertising on the structure and politics of the British press that has received closest attention .
3 One area that has received special attention is the text of the Admission and Call Declarations : these have been redrafted , although the final draft has yet to be approved .
4 Gliclazide is the sulphonylurea that has received most study in terms of possible effects on platelet function .
5 Perhaps the region that has received most attention in the press in this context is Amazonia .
6 Indeed it 's the complexity of the two units and their additional protein skimmers , U/V units and other extras that has led New Wave 's Geoff Saunders to seek out a distribution network of high-quality shops and shop owners who can really sell and explain the virtues of the system .
7 There are many reasons for this , two important ones being the generally greater degree of government intervention in society and the increased predominance of foreign and military affairs in a century that has seen two world wars and the development of nuclear weapons .
8 A good example of this would be a site that has seen some activity in Saxon times , and where scarcity of metal finds would be normal .
9 Obviously , this is too valuable a tradition to be allowed to die out in the century that has seen more restriction of public access to land than any previous period of history , including the Enclosures .
10 SYDNEY ( Reuter ) — Australia 's airline pilots said they were withdrawing the 30 per cent pay claim at the heart of a dispute that has disrupted domestic air services and were seeking instead an unspecified rise based on a 25 per cent increase in productivity .
11 ‘ Rough stuff , of the half-simulated sort that has diverted modern television audiences , was popular from the start .
12 Talking exclusively to the NME about the background to the song , songwriter Tim London said : ‘ Claire 's Kitchen ’ is based on an interesting rumour , but is really there to point out the hypocrisy of a political party that has championed so-called family values , whilst indulging in the biggest spate of shagging around since The Beatles .
13 It has been a lack of progress on other fundamental changes in society that has made effective implementation of either programme so difficult .
14 There have been few serious attempts to break away from this restrictive framework ; it is the absence of the application of any theoretical framework that has made such work so sterile , and it is doubtful whether evidence will be found for the social and economic developments during the period by studying art-styles , date and distribution alone , unless specific questions are formulated first .
15 The first is the launch by Corin of a revolutionary universal hip that enables surgeons to tailor hip replacements to the patient , whilst the second is the advance by AEA of a technique for measuring bone density that has made early detection of bone wastage possible for the first time .
16 Perhaps that is one of the safeguards that has made this country such a successful and stable parliamentary democracy .
17 The smooth pillars which support it in the centre have capitals of a style that has made some art historians suppose that they may originally have come from the Roman villa or palace presumed to have existed on this site in the fourth century .
18 The problem is , of course , that child abuse work is all too often conducted under enormous time and resource pressures , and may at times have to be done under the glare of unwelcome publicity or in the aftermath of an incident that has aroused public concern .
19 The role of generalization decrement in these experiments can be investigated by comparing the effects on excitatory responding of an added stimulus that has had little or no pre-exposure with those produced by a stimulus that has undergone latent inhibition training .
20 Most of these studies have produced results consistent with the suggestion that interference occurs at retrieval , finding that a CS that has undergone latent inhibition training will be relatively ineffective in evoking its CR when it is presented in the context used for pre-exposure .
21 This whole question is very akin to the question that has caused much debate in our profession over the years : what is a ‘ great ’ butler ?
22 It is a system that remains influential but , at the same time , it is one that has caused much controversy , with resultant strains in relationships between the Treasury and central government departments , and between central and local government .
23 The side-effect that has caused greatest concern in recent years , however , is that of ‘ short- termism ’ .
24 Sometimes a parent has suffered an illness that has caused mental change or changes in personality , and the family has already gone through much of the bereavement process beforehand .
25 Er there is a technical report that has examined this sort of information erm for the year nineteen eighty one nineteen eighty eighty one , specifically for this county .
26 For a country that has grown rich doing business , service in restaurants and cafes can be astonishingly slow , and catching the waiter 's eye is about as easy as catching sunstroke on a North Sea beach .
27 Thus , the protagonists ' encounter with a postman who is too drunk to articulate properly or to deliver his letters , which he keeps dropping in the street , is one of a series of symbolic episodes expressing the generalized breakdown of communication in a country that has lost all sense of social cohesion .
28 The natural tendency is to try harder with the project that has gone some distance .
29 The first forcibly draws the reader 's attention to the changing costing scene that has placed traditional costing systems in the dock .
30 At least , that 's the central thrust of a new book that has provoked fierce debate in the US .
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