Example sentences of "that have [been] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 The snow had drifted deep over the path that has been carved down to the chasm and we soon lost it , progressing by kicking steps into the hard snow .
2 Let us hope that it is Mr Clarke who needs an ambulance that has been stood down . ’
3 The self-destructive streak in Scottish football is a legacy that has been handed down from Hughie Gallacher in the '20s to Mo Johnston in the present day , but it finds its most bloated expression in Slim Jim , a player whose massive reputation was built on his slender athletic frame but whose downfall has been a rake 's progress of late nights , seedy bars and relentless beer bellies .
4 The connotations of this in the creation of manhood were made clear by Baden Powell , founder of the Scout movement , who observed that masturbation checks the semen from getting its full chance of making the strong , manly man : ‘ You are throwing away the seed that has been handed down to you as a trust instead of keeping it and ripening it for bringing a son to you later on . ’
5 The Ronseal varnishes used here can also be applied to a painted or previously varnished surface that has been rubbed down with a fine abrasive paper .
6 Now it 's all hands to the deck for the close friends as they knuckle down to bring back the sparkle that has been missing down at Hamilton Park for the past few seasons .
7 The pathogenesis of the disease has always been controversial , but considerable circumstantial evidence exists to support the suggestion that it is due to implantation of endometrium that has been refluxed down the fallopian tube at menstruation .
8 Like a fire that has been damped down but not extinguished , anger smouldered in Lou 's eyes .
9 He also remembered the look of the adjustable spanner , and it seemed to him appropriate that having been knocked down with a spanner his whole body was now apparently being alternately wrenched and tightened .
10 Armenia is begging Russia to recommission two old reactors that had been shut down for good in 1988 under popular pressure .
11 As soon as his hands were free , Huw ducked away , retrieving a shirt and jersey that had been flung down on a pile of beer-crates , saying over his shoulder : ‘ Look , I 'd better be pushing off .
12 Beyond the houses the lane became a rough track crossing a bridge towards the forestry development , climbing up through the young trees of the forestry and out on to open country towards the summit of Shunner Fell , where , after much bog-trotting and splashing about , we hit the line of ash palings that had been laid down here to stop further erosion of the Pennine Way but which had very largely sunk into the bog .
13 The academic apparatchiks were in full command , and it was too late to change the pattern that had been laid down .
14 In Lim Poh Choo v Camden and Islington Health Authority [ 1984 ] AC 174 the defendants sought to persuade the House of Lords to exercise their freedom under the Practice Statement [ 1966 ] 1 WLR 1234 , to reverse two rules that had been laid down by the majority of the House of Lords in West & Son Ltd v Shephard [ 1964 ] AC 326 , namely : ( 1 ) that the fact of unconsciousness does not eliminate the actuality of the deprivation of the ordinary experiences and amenities of life ( see the formulation used by Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest at p349 ) ; and ( 2 ) that , if damages are awarded upon a correct basis , it is of no concern to the court to consider any question as to the use that will thereafter be made of the money awarded .
15 He knew the sentences that had been handed down to his associates .
16 And it had only been the rear of the house that had been knocked down .
17 And then on the left hand side the old houses continue and the female I interviewed er I reckoned there had been a house there that had been knocked down , and they built a wee bungalow .
18 ‘ This was to prepare us should we come across animals that had been knocked down by cars .
19 As her bobbin shot back and forward between the wools , she sang the old Gaelic songs that had been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries .
20 I do not know how many times I have had such replies on social security appeals that have been turned down .
21 Now , although St Petersburg is full of some of the greatest treasures of the world , full of riches that have been handed down from the imperial days , there is very little about the tsar and his family at the time of the revolution .
22 essay , and what 's more , using the same sort of language and form that have been handed down by mainly male-dominated art historians ?
23 In fact , much so-called juvenile water is probably either rainwater that has circulated to great depths , or water that was trapped in rocks that have been carried down at subduction zones ( see Inside Science , No. 6 , 23 February 1988 ) .
24 ‘ They 've given me a lot of furniture and other things that have been passed down through the generations .
25 Over by the birch trees , Mervyn Finch had started to play his squeezebox to Vera ‘ Got All the Things There ’ Loomis , and a few of the adults were dancing the old dances that have been passed down for nearly 200 years .
26 But such distortions are , at least partly , social in origin ; the mechanism of superstition as Bacon describes it , involves a tendency to accept those propositions that have been laid down and established through social recognition and approval .
27 One way of looking at a site is to examine its stratigraphy — the sequence of layers that have been laid down one on top of another to form the site itself .
28 Under the Transport Act 1985 , local authorities had a duty to pay regard to the transport needs of the elderly and disabled , but merely having to pay regard to those needs does not mean that anything has to be done about the specifications that have been laid down by the disabled persons transport advisory committee .
29 This denigration assumes , however , that formal equality is only a matter of enforcing the rules , whatever they are , that have been laid down in legislation , in the spirit of conventionalism .
30 Well Ken , obviously everybody was abhorred regarding this national scandal of the the Maxwell er pension fraud that er the Committee who were making enquiries obviously were implementing the fact that we should have a report and Goodey was set up and the recommendations that have been laid down as far as Goodey is concerned in order to strengthen the pension scheme so that these frauds can happen again , now have you read the report ?
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