Example sentences of "that be [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But now take a closer look and with a pencil tick the qualities that are already a part of you and you will be pleasantly surprised .
2 It may be noticed also , first , that no actual misrepresentation seems to have been made by Duval to his wife , notwithstanding that he had concealed from her material facts and , second , that the pressure he exerted on her to persuade her to sign does not seem to have been excessively overbearing or to have been accompanied by the threats or false promises or intimidation that are sometimes the hall marks of undue influence .
3 And , beyond that , we ought to see that some of the latest European music is only ‘ fascistic ’ in ways that are almost the opposite of male triumpalism .
4 The document is likely to be wreathed in legal safety clauses because the Government can not take decisions that are legally the responsibility of British Coal , which is a private company .
5 I think that if you concentrate on really short term goals and practise things that are maybe a week away instead of a month away then you 'll gradually , slowly but surely , definitely improve .
6 NT will operate not only on powerful PCs but also on the Risc machines that are currently the preserve of Unix .
7 The concept of ideology here signifies the collection of ideas that are merely the product of thought and that have no material basis .
8 This is normally accompanied by the equally widespread concentration on the factual content or the basic manipulative skills in the material and the associated neglect of the higher-level objectives that were probably the author 's main motivation in developing it in the first place .
9 There was little rapport between them , and they fended off Sir Alastair 's gentle prodding with denials that were more the style of the Buckingham Palace press office .
10 The rise of science coincided with the spread of new values which emphasized independence of individual thought in ways that were essentially a challenge to the power of the churches , their priests and ministers .
11 This tour offers you a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the cultural and geographical aspects typical of Thailand : ruins of ancient towns and imposing temples that were once the glory of the country , exotic plants and wild jungle still unspoilt by the progress of time , rustic life with its simple and friendly people , rolling hills and roaring waterfalls , boat trips down the rapids and train rides , primitive hilltribes in their colourful costumes with a tradition and culture all their own .
12 All around the oval churchyard can be found the sunken tracks that were once the village streets and paths and raised above them are the grassy mounds that cover the foundations of houses and cottages long since gone .
13 More and more people are turning to this type of therapy and are discovering in it many of the consolations and insights that were once the preserve of religion .
14 Coopers & Lybrand now audits the whole of the Royal Insurance global network , including the US interests that were once the domain of KPMG .
15 Tonight , two acres of land that were once an orchard but have now been transformed into a series of separate cottage gardens .
16 All the same , there is by and large a crucial difference here between British and American attitudes , and one that is today every bit as marked as it was in 1912 .
17 However , the same sources profess to being amazed at his move to a position ‘ that is clearly a demotion ’ and to a company owned by P&G 's rival Unilever , which is equally formulaic .
18 He , too , is presented with a description of his appearance , dress , behaviour and character that is clearly an exercise similar to the drawing of Alison , and which encourages the comparison of the figures thus drawn .
19 In one sense , new book selection is a way of filling in or updating between stock revisions , but this assumes that the whole of a stock is updated , subject by subject , over a limited timespan , and because stock revision is a highly staff-intensive process that is rarely the case .
20 If you have a lot of sanding to do away from a power source , the Bosch is a well made , quiet sander that is just the job .
21 Such a condition leads to a degraded cliff , one that is principally the product of subaerial erosion and only locally sharpened at the base by marine erosion .
22 If in doubt , it might be as well to look at a pattern for fabric or to measure the amount of depth on a hemline that is already a favourite .
23 But is n't it er true according the reports in the financial times , that the government at this moment is planning to withdraw Britain from the I L O. Precisely because the I L O has censured Britain a censure that is normally a sanction that is normally applied to countries like Haiti and North Korea .
24 At major gatherings that is normally the president , ’ he told Europe-1 radio .
25 In short , when we hear of a peaceful society , we are likely to envision a society that is somehow the antithesis of the self-absorbed individualism of the modern urban-industrial world .
26 Barring coups , the four Southern Cone presidents will all still be in office in 1994 , and have set themselves a target that is also a spur .
27 To provide a dramatic contrast that is also a unity , the sun must be truly dominant and its satellites must be a family that shares a common property of shape and size : just like an atom or a solar system .
28 A holiday brochure that is also a history lesson in itself is a good briefing for a unique range of military tours that takes in some of the world 's legendary battlefields .
29 Another new feature will be its ability to connect with Unix Network File System servers through a LANtastic server that is also a Unix client .
30 Does not the transparency , the reproducibility of the grid , contradict the modernist ‘ insistence on the opacity of the pictorial field an insistence that is also a claim for its singularity and uniqueness ?
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