Example sentences of "i had [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our new semantic understanding was therefore linked to the changing epiphenomena of dress , hair , clothing , and the other symbols of the body I have mentioned ; but it was also manifest in an irrepressible need to reinterpret and question the social condition , for I had journeyed beyond the norms of the police system , where action to control is preferably a simple matter of enforcing the rules and regulations as they stand .
2 Almost the first experiments I had made with the passive avoidance model after completing the work with Marie , and even before we had located IMHV and LPO as the sites of change , looked at the effects of training on protein synthesis in general , using the precursor techniques that have already been described in earlier chapters .
3 I did my best to produce an attractive synopsis , embellishing it with some of the sketches I had made on the spot .
4 But no child , So I got up and changed into my khaki drill and was just about to throw the water off the groundsheet that by this time had collected in the hole that I had prepared for my sleeping , to find that there was a black scorpion wallowing in the slight indentation I had made in the sand .
5 I had trained for the first time only four days before !
6 I had lived at the same place in Hampstead for over twenty years and so , as a sitting tenant , my rent was pretty cheap .
7 During the fifties ignorance about Black people was rife : I remember being asked on many occasions , as a child , if I had lived in the jungle , if my parents ate cat food or even people .
8 I had lived in the midst of the Amazons without knowing it .
9 I admit , you and I did rather live our years together in the shadow of Jean-Claude , as I had lived in the shadow of Montaine .
10 Continuing on past the huge oak door I had observed from the outside was another passage leading to a cloakroom , as the euphemism goes , otherwise a loo and wash basin and turning right I was back in the main area .
11 My father had been embarrassed when my mother or I had wept at the time of his leaving .
12 Fingering the lump , I began to scrape the theoretical barrel-bottom ; I had prayed for the whiff of putrefaction had n't I ?
13 To me she represented all that I had imagined of the bygone days of sail .
14 What I did not realise then — but what I would discover the moment I embarked on my journey to those front doors — was that I had touched upon the essence of the Arab–Israeli war ; that while the existence of the Palestinians and their demand for a nation lay at the heart of the Middle East crisis , it was the contradiction inherent in the claims to ownership of the land of Palestine — the ‘ homeland ’ of the Jews in Balfour 's declaration — which generated the anger and fear of both Palestinians and Israelis .
15 But by the time I had turned off the road from Bellingham at Kielder village and driven up the bumpy Forest Drive to East Kielder Farm , I was longing for the sight of something other than water and trees .
16 Soon it would reach the place where I had turned to the right .
17 I ran two personal bests , 10.33 seconds for the 100 metres and 20.79 seconds for the 200 , which was further encouragement for me and compensation for the traumas I had suffered on the West London track throughout the long , cold , seemingly never-ending winter .
18 I felt I had stumbled on the city 's ghetto quarter .
19 I had stumbled into the fringes of a world where cynical and ruthless manipulation of other people was the norm , and where even violence and perhaps murder was used to achieve one 's ends .
20 I was pleased at being only a metre behind which I had lost at the start , but it was all really anti-climactic after Stuttgart .
21 I wished that I had written to the two women about Donald 's death , and that I was not now obliged to tell them of it .
22 I had written to the South African Cricket Union asking for his address and , some weeks later and to my great delight , a letter arrived from Geoff Griffin himself !
23 Until that day John Russell was just a name I had written in the Division account book a few times during the past year .
24 The journey I had just completed in the Arussi had been the first I had undertaken in the highlands of Abyssinia .
25 The fields and clouds were the same as those I had seen for the last half hour .
26 According to a picture I had seen on the wall of the Royal Hotel , this Priory had been founded by King Felin O'Connor of Connaught , whose burial place it became .
27 It turned out that her son was a great friend of the paraquat-wielding monk I had seen at the monastery farm near Roscrea .
28 I disabused his mind on this point by telling him about the fresh pug marks I had seen at the pool , and advised him very strongly to collect his buffaloes and return to the village .
29 Awake , like this , the animal seemed perfectly normal , not at all like the crazed , somersaulting creature I had seen at the cottage .
30 His smile was so elfin I was reminded of a troll and a performance of Peer Gynt I had seen at the Maddermarket in Norwich .
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