Example sentences of "i a [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then our relationship to each other would change , and you would be a more boyish Philip Waken , and I a less hoydenish Maggie .
2 It was now November , and coming home in the blackout caused me a little nervous anxiety at first .
3 She gave me a little frank talk about life in the trenches during the 1914 War and then suddenly asked : ‘ What about that murder ?
4 Mr Maclean said the fact that MPs visiting Sellafield were not informed of the leak ‘ would seem to me a rather extraordinary discourtesy ’ .
5 Near me , in a white open-necked shirt with short sleeves was a stocky , rather wooden-looking man , who gave me a rather uncomfortable feeling of only being at the party because he had to be .
6 What actually happened was that a colleague of mine , Dave Walton and I , got together to look at a rather esoteric aspect of molecular motion , thinking of making molecules which were very , very long and had very simple structure but could have perhaps erm very complicated what we call dynamic motion , but there was some very good chemistry involved and we erm put this project together for the Sussex Chemistry Bithesis programme , and erm the student who took on this particular project , Alexander , spent two years learning how to do the synthesis and developed a lot of ability in this area ; he also learned how to do the spectroscopic experiments and studied the analysis of molecular motion , and he was able to do this on top of the course work that he did , and in fact this particular project and Alexander , who did the work himself , and the subsequent exciting sort of repercussions of the project have all made me a rather firm believer in the course here , and that in fact undergraduates can do research and also that it 's a very good training for the future .
7 ‘ Your note arrived this morning , ’ she went on , ‘ and it gave me a rather interesting idea .
8 If we go on to books erm , I think that Longman performance is exceptionally good erm , of course for book business it 's very much first half , second half , most of the profit coming in second half , but er , erm , Longman only dropping seven percent on the year before seems to me a particularly good performance given the environment and in fact it generated more operating cash flow than the year before .
9 Do you find me a particularly inspiring partner ? ’
10 My Lords , I er apologise first of all that I was not able to hear some of the earlier speeches in this Debate erm but it does seem to me a most interesting Debate and I have to confess that I always become slightly uneasy er when the great and the good , and I suppose we should collectively cast ourselves in that role of being the great and good of the establishment are all of one view and I wonder whether it is necessarily right and so I begin to question er whether your Lordships enthusiasm for many of these amendments and their attack upon the Government 's proposals is necessarily as soundly based as we might think if we just listen to casually to it all .
11 We ca n't pay for that out of the general population in the City of Oxford , we 've got to take it out of the people who live in council houses and are paying rent and this seems to me a most iniquitous way of erm financing our people on how incomes .
12 Now that , from the preface , seems to me a pretty clear statement of authorial intent , and the impression 's reinforced as Kurt continues :
13 I think he thought me a pretty unlikely applicant .
14 He gives me a completely guileless smile .
15 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
16 ‘ It seemed to me a fairly routine enquiry . ’
17 And that seems to me a fairly fundamental shift in the regional balance of argument and need .
18 He gave me a faintly hurt look then , smiled and said , you must leave me some loophole .
19 Well you 've set me a relatively straightforward test if that is the test .
20 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
21 This seemed to me a perfectly reasonable statement , but for some reason it set Nigel off laughing .
22 It seems to me a perfectly simple procedure .
23 One may choose to adopt a broadly aesthetic approach to texts , as is often done , perfectly appropriately , but one then encounters what seems to me a potentially disabling contradiction .
24 ‘ And that automatically makes me a fully paid-up member of the jet-set ? ’
25 Find me a more accurate analysis , and I 'm yours . ’
26 ‘ Can you give me a more precise opinion , as a medical person ? ’
27 Can you give me a more exact picture of what the job involves ?
28 This seemed to me a more important priority in 1959 than overmuch argument about nuclear philosophical heresies of one kind or another .
29 I like the way the modules build up to give me a more valuable qualification .
30 The candle of hope is to me a more satisfactory symbol than a sickly stanza .
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