Example sentences of "i be [adv] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 I am constantly called a fool , because I have not that literary indigestion which throws up what it feeds on , every week or so . ’
2 I was n't considered a slag .
3 surrogate mother and I was n't paid a penny for doing it !
4 Not only did I have to borrow a gown , I was even lent a jacket to go under it !
5 Everyone , including the Indians , seemed to be happy and laughing , and in my surly mood I unkindly wished them all in hell — chiefly because no one was in any hurry to serve me and I had to sit and watch a party at the next table consume a feast that looked to me as if it had issued straight from Nirvana , before I was even shown a menu .
6 I was even offered a van to help me move .
7 I was also given a Jubilee mug at school , which I still have .
8 Q I was recently given a large five gallon tin canister containing linseed oil .
9 I was recently given a Les Paul copy guitar , but unfortunately the electrics were faulty .
10 I was recently given a Knitleader as a gift .
11 I was recently offered a second-hand hard drive — apparently it has a capacity of 33Mb , but I do n't know much else about it .
12 I ca n't help but think , chairman , in my career I was never given a bottle of whisky to help with the
13 I was never given a choice because he clearly did n't want me .
14 I was never considered a true Baldersdale man .
15 I never wore the roll-neck out there again and as the years passed I was gradually given a large wardrobe of beautiful traditional dresses , which I wore with comfort and delight , each dress reminding me of the giver .
16 I was then given a number and told to wait outside until my number was called .
17 Algy used up his measure of luck , I was then given a super navigator with only the sharpest of pencils and the instinct of a homing pigeon who took me through my tour ; he perished the first time he New without me after I was hijacked to Bennett 's staff .
18 I was then permitted a short time during the lunch interval to study this new material before being cross-examined on it .
19 I was still handed a second to cause me extra hassle .
20 I was only given a few days ' notice .
21 I was only finished a week on Friday you see .
22 I was once called a ‘ facetious little fucker ’ by a Gentile friend after he had made several observations on the difference between Jewish and non-Jewish girls .
23 I was once handed a business-card by a rather large , florid trumpet-player which read ‘ Nam Myo Renga Kyo ’ or something similarly memorable .
24 I was once offered a John Wesley letter which had the slight blemish of being written on paper watermarked some thirty years after the evangelist died , and on another occasion a letter from a supposed Trafalgar seaman , mentioning officers and members of the crew who were not on the muster roll of the ship concerned .
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