Example sentences of "i do n't [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Can , sorry , can I I do n't want to stray into item matter B .
2 See I do n't want to get it too wet warm it up in a minute ca n't we ?
3 Hang on we do n't I do n't think Do we have a job specification for employment officers when we 're recruiting
4 yeah doing , doing the maths you see I do n't have to do another science next year
5 ‘ I can see I do n't need to explain how this parcel of land is only a few hundred yards from the newly designated railway lines .
6 No I could I could I do n't need to dream .
7 But otherwise I I do n't expect to need any more work on this for this Friday .
8 The US Masters champion said : ‘ To be the best in the world you 've got to play around the world , but I do n't expect to see Americans playing over here .
9 I have applied to the grant scheme Environment Wales for some funds , but I do n't expect to get more than a few hundred pounds , if anything at all .
10 I cos quite frankly I have never heard such an exciting R S P C A man as that last one so I do n't expect to get much response to that .
11 I do n't expect to have to eat my meal with someone breathing down my neck . ’
12 Now one can say well what are we aiming for in terms of the sexual harassment free environment , and I think that what one would be aiming for is if not the atmosphere of a girls ' convent school one 's certainly aiming at an environment where women can work and study and interact without the sense of being constantly on display as sexual objects , and , you know , to that extent I do n't know if it is the case that a large number of the respondents are saying , you know , ‘ I have come from an environment when I have n't had to deal with this before , and I do n't expect to have to deal with it ’ then we should certainly sit up and take notice of that .
13 Unless there 's anything really special I do n't tend to watch it late , I , I prefer to read .
14 I , I do n't tend to do it like that at all , I do it very nearly go , it 's on the wrong side unfortunately . .
15 You , you take up the normal I do n't tend to do this , but this is really the best way to do the shot .
16 I do n't like seeing things going wrong and I do n't tend to say ‘ well done ’ to people when things have gone well . ’
17 So I do n't tend to take them unless I have to .
18 Living up here in the wilds of Geordieland I do n't tend to find out much except what is in the national press ( in other words bugger all ) .
19 Cos I do n't tend to get the opportunity .
20 That other please cos I do n't tend to bother with Yorkshire .
21 That makes me laugh , because once I 've written a song then I do n't tend to work on it too much — I 'm too lazy , basically .
22 Attitudes which are often encountered include those associated with low self-esteem ( e.g. ‘ It 's no use trying because everything I attempt fails ’ , or ‘ I do n't deserve to succeed ’ ) .
23 I do n't bother looking back to check .
24 And he goes into the non-title contest revealing : ‘ I do n't bother watching tapes of my opponents any more .
25 Is the top , I mean I broke , had to get in my own house when I locked myself out once when I 'd been in the garden and I , I just got in by leaning through the top window and opening the bottom window , so now I always lock the bottom windows , I do n't bother locking the top one I open it
26 I do n't bother to answer him back when he goes on like that .
27 I do n't bother to pick them up .
28 I do n't bother to change .
29 I do n't bother to find out .
30 And I do n't bother to find myself a reflective surface wherein to follow them-although no doubt the gleam in Rainbow 's eye , or the slick of moisture on Anya 's parted lips , would do at a pinch .
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