Example sentences of "i do n't [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm just trying to keep going and hope I do n't break down . ’
2 PARDON me if I do n't break down in tears at the plight of the parents who are having to take their children out of private schools because they can not afford the fees .
3 Because , I mean , I know where it 's coming from , some of it 's coming from Stanley , who , who thinks if I do n't stand down it will damage Ruth 's chances .
4 ‘ People ask why I do n't tour round seeing the sights , but I could see sights in Australia and be warm .
5 I have a few close trusted friends and family , but I do n't open up my heart to all and sundry . ’
6 If people start some trouble or something like that then I 'll be in there — but I do n't go round looking for it or anything like that .
7 But I do n't go round thumping people all the time .
8 ‘ At least I do n't go round killing the poor buggers , ’ he says .
9 Incidentally , ’ he leaned forward , and she noticed that his face was smooth and tanned , and rather handsome behind those glasses , ‘ incidentally , I do n't go round telling everyone that I 'm the managing director .
10 No I do n't go round saying who you are .
11 But I do n't go round do I ?
12 I thought well that 's fair comment cos there 's people 's houses I 'd stay away from cos I do n't like the wives , so I mean , you know , that 's , I do n't go round , but the thing is she 's been gone about what three year now , four year or something or however long it is why do n't she come now ?
13 The older woman looks tense and upset , and says she 's missing her bingo , but dare n't go to her old club " because he might see me , " but if she does n't go she 'll miss the annual trip and , " if I do n't go on that I 'll never get out .
14 There 's a nice china dog on the side by some books , but I do n't go over and have a look .
15 Just because I do n't go around laughing my head off all the time or … or spending money on bunches of flowers too big to fit into the car , it does not mean that I am cross . ’
16 I do n't go around making things up just to get myself a story ! ’
17 I do n't go around killing women . ’
18 I do n't go around looking for a job , ’ he said , ‘ though I 'm flattered by the speculation .
19 No , I do n't go up till tomorrow afternoon .
20 I said I needed some air , but if I do n't go back soon …
21 But I do n't go back out again
22 And that 's my lot ; I do n't go back to sleep again after that . ’
23 Yeah and that 's another thing I found I had a letter from the Social Security saying would you please send your order book back you 're not entitled to any more money , your sickness benefit 's run out , I thought it ca n't have , I do n't go back until the twenty fifth of March , phones up for the appointment I got it on the fifth of March , nine days ago
24 And I do n't go back until the Thursday after New Year 's day
25 Kersey grumbled : ‘ I do n't go down well with bank managers , accountants , and others of the breed ; we are non simpatico .
26 I 'm pretty hungry by now but I do n't go in .
27 I do n't go in for numbers as names .
28 I do n't go in with her , not unless she wants me to .
29 I 'm an old-fashioned textual critic , not a biographer — I do n't go in for this sort of — it was n't profit — I 'll put them back next week — I wanted them to be a secret .
30 I do n't go in for other stuff , ’ he said .
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