Example sentences of "i will [verb] [adv prt] my " in BNC.

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1 I 'll pull out my sword like this ’ — and I showed him what I would do — ‘ and give the creature such a wound that it will never come near me again ! ’
2 I 'll make up my own mind about that , thank you very much , ’ Dora snapped and flounced out of the room .
3 I certainly can James and I 'll bring in my private surgical unit and freeze it off .
4 I 'll bind up my ruddy hair
5 I 'll finish off my woollen knitting make the pizza and chips , and then that 'll be time for Dawn .
6 Now I 'll get off my bottom and get it for you . ’
7 ‘ Sorry , I 'll get off my soapbox .
8 I 'll take off my socks . ’
9 ‘ And I 'll mess up my own life if I want to , that 's not your problem .
10 I think I 'll freshen up my drink . ’
11 where I will bring in my vast postcard collection
12 I remember thinking of the 121st Psalm as we looked longingly towards the hills — ‘ I will lift up my eyes … ’
13 However there are , of course , some very good coroners who say to the inspector at the outset , ‘ You go ahead and do your job of investigating the cause of the accident and I will carry out my formal inquiry into the cause of death , and in those areas where our activities tend to overlap let us co-operate together but equally let us not interfere with each other in respect of those matters in which we are not qualified to make judgements . ’
14 And it shall come to pass afterwards , That I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh ; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy , Your old men shall dream dreams , And your young men shall see visions .
15 Even upon the menservants and maidservants In those days I will pour out my Spirit .
16 I will pour out my spirit on everyone .
17 Rather I will draw out my criticisms of what I am calling ‘ theoretical reformism ’ to the point where the need for more radical approaches like Spender 's can be appreciated more clearly .
18 Now I know there are some fish willing to feed I will cut down my feed rate to a dozen maggots only when I cast in .
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