Example sentences of "i have take [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now I said Mr Nichol I 'd to take you to that erm but the only thing is it 's after the so I do n't know how you feel if you 'd if you would rather see a performance before the exam , or you would rather see that one after the exam , or two .
2 I had to take her to the polo .
3 I had to take him on more or less from the first .
4 I had to take him on trust on that .
5 Then I had to take him to a big detached house divided into flats .
6 ‘ Beside all that , ’ Robert said , ‘ I had to take him into the city , and he was n't real keen — I 'm sure he prefers Sydney to London . ’
7 In the end I had to take it to a skid pan to see how far it would go before it eventually lost its cool The answer was as far as its steering lock would allow .
8 So I had to take it from the telesales side to get the appointment to get in the door to do a demonstration and then to do the after sales .
9 but I never had anything , I just went from one to the another , and I had to take it in the hall one day and I was n't , I was never very good at maths anyway , not that kind of maths .
10 I had taken her to the Three Tuns , and told the others to meet us there , on the basis that it was the second nearest pub to the scene of the demo and the nearest one to Seymour Street police station .
11 Since I had taken her from her people , I felt in some degree responsible for seeing them together again .
12 I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis ' physical condition that , almost unwittingly , I had taken him in hand .
13 The medical profession were n't the fools I had taken them for .
14 I had taken them to the meeting .
15 The day after the ambulance took Ma away , the rotary drier vanished ; on the Sunday it had been loaded with sheets ( I had taken them down myself .
16 That was no jackdaw 's call — although for just a moment I had taken it to be .
17 ‘ As a matter of fact , I had taken it for granted that you would n't want a boring old fart like me trailing after you round Siena . ’
18 Beth had invoked the help of God or Jesus Christ and I had taken it like a lamb .
19 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
20 I 've taken it upon myself to assure the count that you 're almost perfect .
21 ‘ I 'll give her up once I 've taken you to bed , Rachel , and not before ! ’
22 ‘ I think you ought to tell Morton I 've taken you into my confidence .
23 He is n't here , so I have to take you to the hotel myself .
24 I have to take it with a grain of salt . ’
25 " With Sir Edmund Pusey 's agreement I have taken him into our confidence .
26 He is ‘ a villain ’ , but ‘ tragic ’ , and Dostoevsky continues in his most pushy vein , anxious that Katkov shall take notice , ‘ I have taken him from my heart ’ .
27 ‘ 1 , Yahweh , have called you to serve the cause of right ; I have taken you by the hand and formed you ; I have appointed you as covenant of the people and light of the nations .
28 And they have happened as I have wanted , and I have taken it for granted that they have because I know where I 'm going .
29 I have taken it upon myself to enter into a challenge , which — at first hearing — may seem a quite impossible challenge .
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