Example sentences of "i have the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So , did you break your letter down into two parts … first , did you enquire whether there were any professional reasons which would prevent you taking up the appointment and , second , can I have the following information etc ? ’
2 ‘ It could have been major much earlier — I had the know-how and had already done the groundwork — but when I was racing there was n't the time , nor did I have the surplus energy to allow the business its head .
3 Well can I have the Labour group then please ?
4 Can I have the ginger bread man ?
5 Can I have the ginger bread man ?
6 ‘ Can I have the top bunk , Aunt Shiona ? ’ she wheedled .
7 okay can I have the old step one critiques that you have n't used back , thank you , and now we have step two , same format as before write down your comments and then give the comments
8 That 's why you did n't hear any of the bobsleigh cos I had the bloody thing going
9 I had the unhappy job of telling Barrymore and his wife about her brother 's death .
10 I had the supreme luck of an RAF posting to South Africa , where I enjoyed over two years of non-stop climbing without a rainy day !
11 ‘ I just do n't feel I had the right level of care . ’
12 This is why I had the right attitude when I first got to British Aerospace , anybody any , any anything anybody could tell me about how to fucking like that
13 I do n't think I had the right attitude towards it .
14 I had the right card , it was the card number five which was for the hot wash as , hot wax as well .
15 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
16 I had the strong feeling the place was empty .
17 I had the strong feeling of help having been given so I clasped my hands and said a prayer , half mentally , half vocally , of thanks to God .
18 I had so far managed to avoid being kissed by the old bat , but I had the strong feeling that , by the end of the day , she and I were going to be getting physical .
19 But if these beings had left any fingerprints I had the strong feeling they would n't be the kind you get down at Scotland Yard .
20 I had the strong impression he might be tempted to come back and give us a bit more front-line colour from the other side of the grave .
21 His face looked old and crumpled and sad , and , as he picked up his glass again , I had the strong sensation he was about to tell me something I did n't want to hear .
22 When the map was uncovered that morning and the arrow pointed to Berlin , I had the mixed emotion of fear , excitement and , as most others , I was stunned ’ .
23 A victory over an animal is a hollow one and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I had deprived him of his chief pleasure .
24 I had the entire town around me , about six or seven thousand people .
25 I had the great advantage of being brought up by a really traditional , old-fashioned nanny , who saw us through numerous disasters , one of which was the very memorable moment during the blitz when we were taken to a very smart tea shop in Curzon Street , a place where nannies met each other and their charges were just kept in tow .
26 I had the great honour of being invited to meet them on behalf of our Society , as our Society is one of the big users of the Resources Centre at the Community College where our Journal is printed etc .
27 After drinks on the balcony overlooking some of the grass courts where members were playing , we had a delicious luncheon , and I had the great pleasure of sitting next to my charming French host Alain Boucheron .
28 ‘ Meanwhile , of course , ’ he said with a sardonic smile , ‘ I had the occasional woman . ’
29 Because I had the definite impression that this was the area he was working in . ’
30 As a schoolboy , descending from a traverse of Ben More and Stobinian , I had the odd experience of being the recipient , rather than the creator , of a deer panic .
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