Example sentences of "i [was/were] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apparently Alice had told her that I were going to town with them
2 I was invited to lunch one day .
3 First of all I was invited to lunch in Leeds and they sent the helicopter for me , piloted by Captain John Leeson , who had done all the flying for the aerial shots in the film .
4 Today I was invited to tea at Lady Emily 's to meet Krishnaji .
5 But much latelier , in the private academies of Italy , wither I was favoured to resort , perceiving that some trifles which I had in memory , composed at under twenty or thereabouts , for the manner is that everyone must give some proof of his wit a reading there , met with acceptance above what was looked for , and other things which I had shifted in scarcity of books and conveniences to patch up amongst them , were received with written incomience which the Italian is not forward to bestow on men of this side the Alps .
6 But when I turned up at the hospital they put me on call and I was called to Casualty to anaesthetise a man .
7 After a month 's stay at UCH ( University College Hospital in Central London ) I was transferred to specialist cardiologist Dr Jane Sommerville at the then National Heart Hospital .
8 I was listening to music and he .
9 The other side of that is that I was listening to Medicine Now on Radio Four , and they 've got a device where they you actually have er an earpiece put into your ear and it clicks continuously .
10 I was listening to Radio 5 and Leeds had had 3 good chances after 5 mins .
11 I was listening to radio 5 who had reports .
12 Men , men , mentioned here by our friend , that Leicestershire has got no business to discuss about fox hunting , we are not elusive , there are other county councils who have banned fox hunting on their land , so do not make this as a sacrosanct and or something that Leicestershire are doing , they are not doing first , there are so many other county councils in this country and for your information , I was listening to radio four few days ago , even in Pakistan , a third world country , is banning hunting in their country , we should be ashamed of ourselves here to discuss , I agree with Councillor when the discussion start and he said move for the ward , because the logical thing was to move for the wards rather than discuss , if we all believe that this is horrible , acrimonious and abhorrent in today 's day and age , as the slavery was abhorred two hundred years ago .
13 Hello John erm firstly I would sympathise with those that erm have been complaining about television programmes , although I erm did n't watch a great deal of television yesterday , I was listening to Radio Oxford actually , but erm from erm Ceefax I noticed that the Neighbours was broadcast twice .
14 I was perfectly happy until I was sent to school at the age of five .
15 I was sent to school here , so I must learn as much as I can . ’
16 Of course I was sent to bed without any supper .
17 In fact , I was sent to bed as a punishment .
18 The third offence , that was after the immigration problems , I was sent to prison .
19 I was sent to prison for five weeks .
20 He could have said with Hamlet , The Time is Out of Joint , and Cursed Spit that Ever I was Born to Set it Right .
21 I was delivering to industry and kept a constant look-out for a suitable material .
22 But when you loved it , did n't you I mean I know I did when I was a young person first drinking erm I definitely had the feeling that if I was drinking to excess I was n't doing the right thing , whereas the impression we give in Oxford that drinking to the excess is perfectly acceptable behaviour .
23 I was beginning to Cleaver for another drink in the Railway Hotel before returning home .
24 On that first day I had little thought to spare for Parma itself , but gradually I came to realize how fortunate I was to go to school in a city that was both beautiful and intensely interesting .
25 I never went to the extremes with heroin , but I was addicted to valium for seven years erm and I 've been clean from valium for four months erm through a drug programme in Brenda House
26 I 've thought about it , ’ said Nikos , ‘ but I was keeping to surveillance until I was told otherwise . ’
27 The boss knew I was worked to death , and not wanting to lose me said , ‘ Mick , you take a few days rest .
28 well I was worked to death
29 I always wore clogs , and if an iron came off while I was cycling to town I could take it to him , go off somewhere like the pictures , and it would be ready and waiting for me straight afterwards .
30 Yet , in the back of my mind , as I was driven to reception , clutching my overnight bag , was the memory that a hospital had once been home .
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