Example sentences of "i [was/were] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , I realized I needed evidence myself if I were to risk cals about their success .
2 Ken Bradshaw and I were singing songs to one another like a pair of humpback whales .
3 As nearly all the children had freckles , I felt as if I were seeing spots before my eyes , and drew Mickey Mice in a trance , my hand and pen moving mechanically through a misty ocean of freckles , wave upon wave , every freckle asking for Mickey Mouse .
4 I was eating cakes in the morning before I went to school and for about two years I was dieting , trying one diet or another .
5 It does n't seem more than a few months since I was knitting clothes for her dolls — and now — ’ She held up her needles , speared through the left front of a pearly-white matinée jacket .
6 There I was chucking copies of a certain rival mag into the fire when my father entered the room brandishing the latest copy of ZZAP !
7 I was holding hands with someone on my right and someone on my left .
8 In one way it was good to have success so quickly , but in another way it meant I was facing things for which I was n't really prepared .
9 I began to wonder if I was creating profiles for murder .
10 In August , 1944 I was flying Mustangs from Grimbergen , through to the Arnhem campaign , and my memories are that we were the first RAF Squadron to be based near Brussels , and only a matter of a few days after our armies had liberated that City .
11 At this time ( the late 1970s ) , I was teaching courses in the sociology of deviance to degree and social work students , and it seemed to me that certain key ideas and insights from this work could usefully be applied to the study of child abuse .
12 ‘ We had time booked , songs were arranged in the studio and I was writing lyrics on the day they sang them .
13 ‘ Before that I was modelling clothes for some of the best fashion-houses in London — and in Paris too , sometimes . ’
14 Ten minutes after we put the ‘ phone down , I was getting calls from carrier company executives from their car ‘ phones .
15 As there were a number of Wall 's stickers on the van , I thought I was getting ices of their make .
16 I was getting megawatts of sexual response from you , but nothing emotional , nothing — Radcliffe got it all .
17 A handful of scraps provided enough encouragement , and soon I was catching starlings in batches of up to a dozen .
18 I was taking exams at the end of my second year studying architecture at Liverpool University . ’
19 Many years ago I was taking notes in a legal matter and only realised when I was transcribing them that police commissioner and police constable have the same initials .
20 Whenever we arranged to meet anywhere he would invariably let me down and his excuse was invariable too : ‘ I was taking shots for Surfing . ’
21 I got the impression that if he was found guilty of robbery , rape and murder , his plea in mitigation would be : ‘ I was taking shots for Surfing . ’
22 So anyway , at Khabarovsk we were eating ice-cream — there were always ice-cream sellers on the platform — and I was taking pictures of David and sneaking pictures of the soldiers who were on the platform with us but , unfortunately , they caught us at it .
23 I can only really remember one occasion when my husband knew that I was I was taking Pills at the time , I think I took about twenty eight in one night .
24 Again , when I spoke to you during the interims , I was expecting redundancies during the year of , of er , about a thousand .
25 And I , I was issued with that and er I took lessons on it up at head at headquarters and then when I took me proficiency test , I was asked questions on the Browning automatic and other ap things appertaining to the army and I passed me proficiency test .
26 I was playing loads of rave music , and at the end they were begging us not to go off because it was the first time they 'd ever heard it properly .
27 I was playing jackstones in the street when Nelly Mitchell ran up with the news that she was going for the midwife .
28 ‘ Yes , I was playing gigs on the club circuit in Milwaukee .
29 I was playing bowls with him when the Great Armada was spotted off Lizard Point and the beacons along the south coast flared into life .
30 Every day I was sent a secret report by the Chief of Police , and the next afternoon I was playing cards with Fritz when Sapt brought it in .
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