Example sentences of "i [vb infin] [pers pn] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Would I show them how to teach today 's lesson ?
2 So why John said would I show you how to truss nice , I do n't wish to learn thank you !
3 Now before you go racing ahead there 's a couple of things that I need to tell you , so can I show you how to do the first one , and then you can race on with it .
4 It is not practical politics to abolish private schools , nor do I believe it right to do so , in the interests of freedom .
5 Do I take it now to mean that that means parents who have not been baptised ?
6 And do n't I tell you not to break the back down and wear your canvas shoes like slippers ?
7 This is your room , hello , we 'll have to fix that bulb , may I ask you not to flush the toilet between the hours of eleven at night and seven in the morning while the sanitation department is still in , do n't be alarmed , cockroaches are a way of life in this part of the world , the gekkos are friendly too , although they wo n't eat the spiders .
8 Looking forward to the circus , but could I ask you not to throw me to the lions until I 've got my accounts in order ?
9 Erm , can I ask you please to point out to anybody who is n't here , which I guess is quite a number of people , there 's probably six or seven people who 're not here , er that the test is in fact next Tuesday , that 's February the twenty second , is it ?
10 Can I ask you just to sign that to say you know that and there 's a copy here for you .
11 Can I ask you though to devise a name that you as a team would wish to be known by , and then I can start er , on the scoreboard .
12 ‘ Let Me show you how to live it , ’ but then once you have given Him your life He becomes distant ; you have to struggle to touch Him .
13 No Anthony 's still eating darling , right , now that word there says Doc , D O C which is the name of one of the dwarfs , okay , so in all them letters there is the name Doc , so you 've got to look for those three letters D O C alright , so you go along , no let me show you how to do it then .
14 She said , I 'm going to see her she said and if she has it on I 'm going to take her on one side and I 'm going to say , Miss Anderson will you let me tell you how to dress .
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