Example sentences of "i [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Here , let me shield you from the wind . ’
2 Stair thrust an arm around him , laid his head on Neil 's shoulder , and said , ‘ Let me treat you to a good ‘ un at Rachel 's , Neil , ’ which completed the destruction of any desire Neil might have had to treat himself .
3 Let let me introduce you to a nurse , a nurse called Nicola .
4 Let me introduce you to the world of press releases .
5 Let me introduce you to the class .
6 To report on my own experience , I have found a surprising number of English people outside the academic world who have lived with the Sonnets , have taken them into their own experience , can quote with ease ‘ To me , fair friend , you never can be old ’ , or ‘ Shall I compare thee to a summer 's day ? ’ , or ‘ When , in disgrace with Fortune and men 's eyes ’ , or ‘ Let me not to the marriage of true minds/Admit impediment ’ .
7 Although regretting the need for such prosecutions , may I congratulate him on the vigour with which he prosecutes those who peddle such odious doctrines ?
8 Might I congratulate you on the birth of Henry , or Harry as I notice he is to be called from the announcement in the papers .
9 But might I trouble you for a cup of hot water ? ’
10 He went and bought a pack of cigarettes from the machine behind him , searched his pockets , then asked : ‘ Could I trouble you for a light , Miss ? ’
11 ‘ Could I trouble you for a receipt ? ’
12 I feel I know her like a sister now — she 's younger than I am — but she never told me about the twins .
13 Have you finished with that , shall I give it to the birds ?
14 Shall I give it to the birds ?
15 May I refer him to the reports on economic purchasing issued in December 1992 and February this year by my counterpart in Great Britain , Professor Littlechild , for an indication of the complexities involved in this type of exercise ?
16 And for the benefit of those readers who are persuaded by his arguments ( and those who are not , too ) , may I refer you to a letter from Simon Kyte appealing for financial and professional help for the Humanitarian Appeal for Victims of the Yugoslav Civil War .
17 ‘ May I refer you to an unimpeachable authority : Mr John Camden Hotten , author of a biography of Dickens , and also , he paused impressively , a life of Thackeray , refers to it in 1870 as Bleak House .
18 Now do I do it over the music across the north I do it over the music Okay right here we go .
19 Shall I do it with a toothbrush and a ?
20 Will I do it on the other side ?
21 Should I do it on the back of that ?
22 But how can I look him in the face and tell him that 's turned out to be true ? ’
23 Can I interest you in an aerial photograph of your house ? ’
24 " Can we get this one right on top there , or should I stick it round the back ?
25 I flash upon my own family ; the way I have to think a moment before deciding who to include in my family , whether to include the step-parents or the siblings on my father 's side whom I would not know should I see them on the street , the hastiness of Mom and Larry on Sunday swirls between galleries and sushi , untapered by excess or sentimentality , busy with books and foreign films and the Sunday supplement of the New York Times , the wisdom of Ivy Leagues and schedules too dense to live by , to wake by , to sleep and breathe by .
26 ‘ Never , ’ writes Boswell , ‘ did I see him in a better frame ; calm , gentle , wise , holy ’ — with Johnson opining that the essence of the Crucifixion lay in showing to the world that even the Son of God suffered on account of sin , and in doing so , displayed how heinous a thing sin must be .
27 ‘ Can I see you for a minute ? ’
28 What time shall I see you in the morning ? ’
29 Why did I see it in a story ?
30 Allowing her to change the subject , he offered , ‘ Shall I meet you in the foyer after breakfast , say nine-thirty ?
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