Example sentences of "i [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You expect me to accommodate you in that ? ’
2 I do as I 'm told , and he told me to include you in this job . ’
3 It does n't seem to me to affect it in any way .
4 Do you have any idea how long it 's taken me to find you in this God-forsaken place ?
5 She trusted me to help her in this . ’
6 ‘ I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands and when I declined , he just sat there and could n't believe it .
7 I think Stan expected me to grab it with both hands .
8 Last year , Morrissey told the NME : ‘ I am incapable of racism ’ which , in turn , prompted me to exonerate him from any underlying racist intent in his work and to conclude , ‘ the liberal cycle appears to have been completed ’ .
9 For example , if the soft sell chap fails to wheedle his client into buying , his partner can ring him up and say : " My colleague 's at an important meeting , but he asked me to call you about this stock .
10 there have been some fairly er minor alterations to the procedures concerning contract admin wallets er and the various client reports , er but Hugh did ask me to raise them at this meeting , er to remind people of the need to er complete client reports .
11 They asked me to follow them without any explanation and blindfolded me .
12 White jeans : you do n't need me to tell you about those .
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