Example sentences of "i [vb base] to do [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the Council I , I personally would be quite keen to go down there and see A , and we 'd need permission of the land owners , to do this , to see where the link could go across , you know , the best position , so that we , and I believe this is what Councillor is saying , so that we can actually come forward and maybe this ought to be a meeting with the Amenities Committee , maybe the Ramblers and bear in mind as I say again I hate to do these things and the land owner think we 're steamrollering 'em into something without their knowledge .
2 So what I propose to do this morning , is to talk erm , based on the notes from the hand-book about Anthems of the Nation , but to spend probably more time , talking about the French National Anthem , than about any others , because I know a little bit about it , and I have discovered even more .
3 Okay this is the fourth in our series and the second on the presidency and I want to do two things in this lecture .
4 try it again and I want to do two things for the rest of the morning .
5 And I say I I ca n't , I honestly can not remember what I was doing , I remember the environment one because I got a module written on that erm I remember that I had put in er I want to do first aid and safety in the home sort of thing er , they were three modules that I wanted er , to do .
6 This morning , too , she had said to her father , ‘ I want this afternoon off ; I want to do some shopping . ’
7 I want to do some scuba , for Christ 's sake ! ’
8 If I want to do some slap bass or play some very fast , light jazzy stuff , I 'd probably have to wear the bass quite high up , almost Mark King height , to really be comfortable .
9 Well I hope you enjoyed this morning now what I want to do this afternoon , we 're gon na break for lunch now and then can we reconvene at the syndicate rooms at two o'clock
10 It 's the rest of the stuff that I want to do this month .
11 Erm , right , what I want to do this week , is to go on to the next er , work of Freud 's , that follows after erm , group psychology , or rather to the next two , because I 'm gon na back these two books together for , hi there , , erm gon na back these two books together , because as we 'll see , they , they really deal with the same subject .
12 That is what I want to do this morning .
13 Er , obviously on a more serious note , er it was very disappointing that we had such a severe er downturn in profitability last year after several years of steadily rising profits , and so what I want to do this morning was tell you a little bit about what happened in the last part of the year , since we met at the time of the interim results presentation last September , tell you the actions that have been taken and give you a little bit of insight as to where we stand at the present time .
14 I want to do this thing as well as it can be done , and with as few deaths as we can manage .
15 I want to do those glass things you bake in the oven today . ’
16 The sci-fi movie , filmed at Pinewood Studios , is the last such epic for Sigourney , she says , adding : ‘ I want to do more love stories .
17 Also , I hope to do more travelling and my garden is in need of attention ! ’
18 One to the sea , which is about 80 miles away , and another to Sao Paulo which is quite near , and I hope to do some shopping for presents there before I come home .
19 I like to do practical jobs around the house
20 I like to do other things .
21 ‘ Every year I like to do some kind of challenge to raise money for charity and to inspire others to raise money as well , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY .
22 You know , like I say , I try to do some things different , and then that do n't work sometimes cos I think well why am I doing 'em like that .
23 ‘ I object to the principle of the PLR not because I wish to do hardworking authors out of money — I would be eligible for PLR but I have declined to register on principle . ’
24 I need to do one tape .
25 No cos erm I need to do some stuff today .
26 ‘ I know I need to do some exercise for golf .
27 Tony said I need to do some exercise late at night .
28 Yeah but I need to do some typing .
29 ‘ But to confirm my diagnosis I need to do some tests .
30 I need to do physical work in fact ’ , he says .
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