Example sentences of "i [vb base] and [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 But at the heart of that issue I you know that specific issue I think is a good example of the of of the problem which I see you facing is that I think it 's more not so much about the noise but about the fact that we have a relatively privileged few people who are enjoying going to these May Balls I mean and enjoying the end of their exams , staying up all night , and I wonder in fact if it 's more a matter of sour grapes rather than environmental health .
2 Well , er the reason was erm technique and science and they 'd , they all the firms or who was in business had to make locks their own way , you know what I mean and use the best facilities they could get hold of , but science and progress came into being and they cou they made what you could call locks erm repetition .
3 The more I wail and thrash the deeper I go , just like in any swamp or quicksand .
4 The Bombing Years , I stress and support the Harris claim that the Allied strategic bombing was the main contribution to the downfall of Hitler 's Reich and our victory in Europe .
5 I kneel and test the water with one hand .
6 Surprisingly , I find that all my reasons for postponing giving birth still apply : I do n't particularly like children ; I value my independence , the freedom to come and go , the open doors ; I want to write , and literary history tells me that my chances of succeeding as a writer and a mother are pitiful ; I hate and fear the nuclear family , the stifling atmosphere , the exploited wife and mother , the generation gap .
7 After lunch I reread and filed the summary .
8 I shrug and put the lozenge of ice back into my drink .
9 I cook and run the flat .
10 If I stop and get the pupils discussing , or investigating , I will lose valuable time , and some topic will be missed .
11 I stop and watch the traffic lights change .
12 As long as I was forced to stay awake I shrank from any stimulus to sensation ; now I relax and welcome the fading sensations until they are extinct , and for a few minutes will notice impressions of which I am normally unaware , such as the twilight images on the edge of consciousness .
13 Vienna Dear Fräulein , I hope and believe the sad condition you describe is no more than a temporary fantasy .
14 This is not because I share his criticisms — quite the opposite — but because , like him , I anticipate and relish the prospect of my hon. Friend the Minister replying to the debate , when I hope that he will give a robust rebuttal of the hon. Gentleman 's criticisms .
15 In it I read and re-read the Greek myths and legends , consumed with a desire to understand the sexual exploits of the gods , capricious beings , sometimes part or wholly animal .
16 I accept and welcome the progressive nature of the Labour party 's views on proportionality .
17 It is on this that I lie and visualize the various ‘ assaults ’ upon my cancer cells that I have already described .
18 So I end up being pretty conservative about what I wear and draw the line at a discreet pleat here and there , usually around the chin .
19 I applaud and support the efforts by Bill Bates , food safety consultant at Control UK , in his attempts to get an arbitration board set up , but have reservations about the priority likely to be given to this by food minister , David Maclean .
20 Yet out of the alienation , the desperation , and the neurosis of his final five years came what Bridges called the ‘ terrible ’ sonnets , such magnificent poems of spiritual desolation as ‘ Carrion Comfort ’ , ‘ No worst , there is none ’ , or ‘ I wake and feel the fell of dark ’ .
21 ‘ Not so bad , thank you , ’ I reply and lead the way through .
22 I lean and watch the water , listening to water
23 I tidy and vacuum the sitting room after she 's gone to bed — I do n't see any point in doing it in the morning because it 'll only get messed up again .
24 I understand and respect the work of welfare rights organisations .
25 She looks a bit cold , so I go and fetch the blanket off my bed and wrap it round her shoulders .
26 come in and stay in that 's it , stay in and do your own whatever , and then we 'll go , when I go and get the cos dad 's on late , we 'll go to the hospital then she 's got John and Claire and erm the other pair are going this afternoon
27 Well I 'll just er I 'll just well if I go and get the sort of the tea things ready , the party tea can you put Christopher his erm Thunderbirds tracksuit back on ?
28 Well you read a bit to Clare while I go and get the
29 Usually I go and take the tray .
30 I go and make the beans .
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